
Yield sign, please help?

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So I am taking my driving test tomorrow.

I have one question

There is this 3 way intersection all have stops but the right turn has a yield sign

if i need to turn right i know to slow down becuase it is yield but when do i know if i have to stop sompletley??

like if a car is at a stop sign or what?

im so confused pleaseeeeeeee help




  1. A yield sign pretty much means;

    'Don't interrupt the current traffic'.

    So, if there is no traffic whatsoever, you don't have to worry about it. If there are no cars that will have to adjust their driving to accommodate you, it's fine do just drive through cautiously. In the case of the three way, if you come to a right turn at the same time as anyone else, you should go first (because you are not required to stop).

  2. you will come to a stop and check if the road is clear and then and only proceed, ever enter a road where oncoming traffic is moving until it is completely safe.

  3. If you have any question at all about what another vehicle might do, then stop.  It's better to error on the side of caution.  The best way to pass your test is to prepare fully and get as much driving in as possible before the exam.  Reread your literature and visually go through driving scenarios in your mind.  The more prepared you are, the more relaxed you'll be when behind the wheel taking your test.  Good luck!

  4. If a car was already at the stop sign before you get to the yield, it will more than likely go and you'll need to stop.  Unless someone is already going, or about to go, you have the right of way.  The point is to just not hit the other car, remember that and you'll be okay :)

  5. Answer : yield to oncoming traffic, in other words, they have to be moving in the lane you need to occupy

  6. The yield sign indicates that all other traffic has the right-of-way over you.  You must stop only as necessary to find a gap in traffic to safely proceed with your right turn.

  7. If a car is coming from your left(i.e. going through the stop sign) then you must yield. If the car is about to stop then I'd go. :p

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