
Yield sign mergeing into on comming traffic?

by  |  earlier

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when i come from the shopping center their is a yield sign merging into the lane. a few times cars in front of me stopsand then goes on into the left lane. i usually dont stop and merge on in my lane but i look over my shoulder. you dont stop in the middle of the highway. am i right. i been driving for 20 some years and this is the first time i seen this. im correct or the other car.this is a yield sign mergeing onto the lane who is right.




  1. The oncoming traffic has the right away.  You are to yield at all oncoming traffic until the is no traffic coming, or it is safe to merge.  If you have to stop, to wait until cars pass, or until safe, that is correct.  Too many people try to merge into heavy traffic, when they are supposed to yield.  Or they drive up the shoulder until they get up to speed.  The yield does not simply mean to catch up and hop in.  Sorry it just makes me mad when people cut me off when they are supposed to yield. (like today)

  2. So long as you don't get hit you have no worry. However if you ever do get hit in that situation you'll be cited for "failure to yield". Stopping at a yield sign so you have a few more seconds to evaluate the traffic and insure you're merging safely is never wrong.

  3. Yield means just that; yield. The idea is that you can proceed without stopping only if it is clear. However, if there is oncoming traffic, you must yield the right of way to them. Even if it means that you must come to a complete stop to allow the other traffic to pass.

  4. if its a yield you don't have to stop, unless of course there are other cars in the way :P maybe people are being very cautious, are there a lot of accidents at that intersection?

  5. The YIELD sign assigns right-of-way to traffic on certain approaches to an intersection. Vehicles controlled by a YIELD sign need stop only when necessary to avoid interference with other traffic that is given the right-of- way.

  6. yield means be alert not stop. You are correct

  7. you are do not stop unless the traffic is heavy and you can not safely merge.  Yield means allow oncoming traffic to pass before you does not mean stop

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