
Yo, whats up with asian woman/white men relationships?

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this is what azn guys say about that

d**n white jerks, no more azn girls for us

this is what white guys say

stupid azn nerds, now without ur girl, u got notin

and now i need to know what u need to say




  1. ^-- no, i don't love asian women...too many think they're the shlt and it's annoying as well.

  2. Asian women love Asian men

    Asian men love Asian women.

    To correct Answerer " Fire " :

    Love doesn't equal to Submissiveness. We actaully are very independent.

    We, Asians, age the slowest, please read the reports from medical research . It is the genes and the food help us stay young for many years.

  3. What the h**l is this ?

  4. ...What's wrong with you?

  5. You need to spend more time learning how to spell instead of worrying about this kind of stuff.

  6. Hey think of it this way, more white girls for us. im not really attracted to asian girls anyway.

    oh call me nerd? i'll be laughing when i earn double your salary later in life.

  7. My response is different strokes for different folks.  We all like different things out there and sometimes it isn't our own race, but that is okay.  It is okay to want something different than the majority.  It is all about personal preference.

  8. i think your question is kinda weird... but my opinion about white guys with asian girls is:  i think white guys like those petite figures that asian girls have.  and asian girls might be a bit more submissive than white girls.  but i really don't know that much on the subject because i'm not white.  i've dated white guys before and i kinda got bored with them.  yet, i've heard a few white guys comment on how asian girls don't seem to get fat.  but they also said that asian girls don't seem to age very well either.

    good that your love isn't based on submissiveness.  mine isn't either.  i'm sure that asian men love asian women too.. and vise versa.  i was just repeating the opinions i've heard.  and i didn't say that asian women age faster.. i said "well".

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