
Yo go for Obama? yes/no/why?

by  |  earlier

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just a simple question with two answers...

you going for Obama, yes, no and why... thank you all for taking your time, please feel free to express as much as u need to.. lol




  1. Yes

    I can't afford 4 more yrs of NOTHING

  2. NO! The things he proposes sound good. Like tax cuts for people who make under $250,000 but he plans to tax businesses. Which, if your human and u eat food and buy clothing and the every day stuff, the prices will go up. So on the outside the things he says sound good. But once you dig a little deeper, all the change he's talking about, isn't always for the better of this country. Please look into both parties before you cast your vote. Do some research on which each candidate stands for and mmake a list of pros and cons for each person. Just don't vote for Obama bc that's the thing to do.  

  3. No.  I don't value any party or candidate who thinks its somehow 'okay' to bash the country in favor of 'international public relations' at a time we are at war against Islamic terrorism.  I don't want a man in the White House who's wife will tell him in tough times of war, 'we are the bad let those sweet terrorists nuke us.'

    I don't value a candidate who calls protecting our freedoms and 'current' Constitution that allows them...'DOING NOTHING FOR 8 YEARS'.

    However, I believe he's sincere in his liberal sympathies.  Will I vote for him, though?  BY NO MEANS!

  4. No.

    In my view he hasn't "earned" the presidency.

    He has tried to buy it.

  5. Never, he's a Racist White America Hater, and he will destroy America.

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