i theorirzed today that everyone can experiece a limited amount of pleasure in a lifetime, and that all humans will experience the same amount.
i mean like a man may make a million dollars and be really happy, just like an aboriginal in australia might catch a deer, or wolf to eat and be happy
that people's personal pleasures, money, s*x, food no matter how small may seem to us, are much bigger to someone else.
maybe the simple task of getting a job will make a man as happy as a rich buisiness man scoring a deal\
in my life i just spent 4 days of the best days of the summer. i wnt to a kick *** concert, got a date with a relly hot girl, and i won an important race. then the next 4 days wer the worst 4 days of the summer, the hot girl didnt talk to me, and people started caling me wierd. then acording to my theory i theorirzed that things would start geting better soon, within the next 4 days, or maybe 1-3 to equal out the pleasure. then the next mment a hot girl texts me, so im happy