
Yo yankee fans! Todays win!!!

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How happy were you with todays win. Down 5-0. They get 8 runs. then they give up a grand slam. 9-8. They get 6 more runs. And Xavier Nady!!! 6 rbi!! And most of all against the angels! best pitching in the mlb. Anyway what do u guys think of todays win????





    but good for you they won!


    i.m a brewers fan and the brewers kick a**

  2. I was happy for sure , just they showed NEVER TO Give and I'm happy for that  

  3. today's win was absolutely AMAZING. i think its gunna be a great way to start the next series with the rangers with a positive attitude. too bad the rays, red sox, and twins all won and we gained no ground on todays win but atleast we didnt lose and lose ground. =]  

  4. Hunter and Guerrero werent playing dont brag if i remember angles are thebest team in MLB and the yanks Arent even going to make it

  5. one of th greatest come backs in a season like made you be on the tip of your seat the middle to the end of the game ,and thats what i like about games like that.

  6. i like the yanks, but im a twins fan. but i have to say congrats to B Cash for getting The X-Factor. hes just dirty on the field. hes like what 20 for 26 as a yankee?! Thats just nasty. he could lead u into 2nd and the postseason

  7. It was a key win. Not only did it mean they split with the angels, they also are going to texas with a win streak of 2 against prob the best team in baseball right now, it would have been nice if they could have won on friday with Ponson pitching well, but stuff happens. And they did something the sox cant do, Beat the angels just goes to show that this team is playoff ready and that they can go far in the postseason. There new players need to get settled in and when they do the yanks will be dominant.

  8. Great game!  YES will be televising this one as a Yankees classic when the boys are summer are gone.

  9. That was an awesome game. I honestly thought it was over after Tiexeira hit the grand slam. I'm glad the Yanks pulled out the win today.

  10. tony b please stop hating there always has to be that one person who has to runin the party it was a great win so please stop hating

  11. Amazing win. Absolutely one of the best games of the season.  GREAT work by the Yankees offense, taking advantage of the Angels multitude of mistakes!  And to win like this after a not-so-great start by Rasner and a rough inning for Edwar Ramirez was just fabulous.  =)    

    And Tony - yeah, Hunter and Guerrero weren't playing today for the Angels... but Matsui and Posada and Mariano Rivera (etc.) weren't playing for NY.  Your point is?

    By the way - Xavier Nady and Pudge Rodriguez look pretty d**n good in pinstripes, eh?  And I don't mean their looks.  Amazing acquisitions by the NYY management! =)  


    And to the guy below me... splitting a series 2-2 doesn't sound like "almost getting swept" to me...

  12. Good win today. Would have been heartbreaking to lose this one. Shame Edwar Ramirez couldn't hold it down in the eighth. Funny thing is, I never had a feeling the game was over after Teixeria's grand slam. My gut was right.

    I said we'd get a split and the Yankees did. So what Hunter and Guerrero weren't in the lineup. You play against whoever takes the field. I'm sorry for the loss of Hunter's grandmother, but the game had to go on.

    Regardless of what the haters say, the Yankees played well this weekend. Realistically, they could have taken 3 of 4 from the Angels.

    Just keep winning games, keep pace with the Sox and Rays and pounce when the time is right.

  13. kept them on pace with the sox. should be a fun september

  14. wow you guys are great, you almost got swept by the angels and are like 5 games out of first.

  15. It was awesome evryone contributed and how about Dan Geise 3 innings of 1 hit ball but Xavier Nady was Amazing

  16. Nice. They've proven they can come back and that these new acquisitions can really help the team out. But Pudge needs to get settled in with the Yankees pitching.

  17. Just remember that the Yankees won because of the Angels unusually bad defense. Had the Angels played good defense like they are known to, they would have beat the Yankees today.

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