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  1. Our tax dollars.  That's where any govt. money comes from.

  2. Yes, foster parents do get a foster care subsidy.  (funded by our tax dollars)  They are not being "paid" to keep foster children, however.  The money, which is usually quite insufficient, is for meeting the child's needs.  Clothes, food, activities, toys, all the things that kids need.  Each state determines what the amount of support is, and it varies from state to state.  I'm sure there are people who keep foster children "for the money", but I can't imagine that being a typical situation.  Being a foster parent is hard work.  You are caring for this child, who has all kinds of emotional needs because he is away from all the people he knows.  Most likely he/she is dealing with other traumas which are related to the need for foster care to begin with (drugs, violence, etc..).  A good foster parent allows herself/himself to love each foster child, knowing that they will grieve when the child is placed back with the first family or placed for adoption.  

    Something most people don't know is that when children are placed in foster care, the State is required to make every attempt to recover some of the expenses from the parents.  I am a child support worker, and part of my job is to collect child support from parents whose children are in foster care or have been in foster care.  I may get a lot of flack about that, and I understand that.  But, the way that I explain it to the parents, is that the State supported their child while they were in foster care, and they are responsible to pay an amount that is fair (based on their income, etc..) to recover some of that expense.

    One thing that I have learned, over the years, is that the more open I am to listen to their side of the story, and to express my sincere understanding about their anger, the better our relationship is.  I have learned to not be judgmental about the fact that their children are or were in foster care.  As a child support worker, I don't know anything about why their child was put in foster care, and that helps, too.  It helps me be more objective, and it makes them less defensive.

  3. They receive their payment from the state....the state in turn, collects child support from the biological parents, as the child is their responsiblity and they are working to regain custody.

  4. in IL its from the secratary of the state daniel something. i think it comes from the department like luthren until the child is 18 then it comes directly from the state

  5. the state


    Yes, I did know that. The money comes from the state which comes from our taxes.

  7. Paid is a loose term, they are given money to cover expenses (which it doesn't) for the children.  The money comes from the state/province, usually late and usually screwed up.

  8. Ultimately, your (and my) taxes.  

    My wife and I are fostering (technically) an 8 week old now that, once the legal paperwork is done to sever the rights of the bio mom, we will be adopting.  We get about $1000 a month and thats to cover formula, diapers, clothing and baby furniture we had to buy.  As good as it sounds it still all gets used for the support of the baby, if you do it properly.  Some are in it for the money and hopefully they get weeded out soon enough.

  9. The state agency..usually the child protection service depending what country you are in.

  10. in my state the average reimbursed to a foster parent is around 365. and that is to cover all cost for the child... including clothing, shoes, diapers, wipes, basics for babies, and even food and to cover the costs of transporting them back and forth to Dr.s and visits with the bios...

    i don't know what world some of you are living in but in my world that's small amount doesn't come close o covering all these expenses... i haven't even gotten my license yet and i have already paid out well over 200 just to start having things on hand for any children who might be placed in my home... and i still need alot more just to have the basic things like extra beds, highchairs, car seats, strollers, blankets, the kids of thing you have to have at all times... not counting all the things you will constantly go through......

  11. The government.

  12. The money comes from the state. Its one of the few things that they don't waste their money on.

    I was fostered when I was younger though and I know that foster carers just aren't paid enough.

    Also due to other people I know who have been in care there should be so many more police checks done on the potential carers and parents, some stuff my friends have witnessed is awful!!

  13. In my state it is called a reimbursement and is well under the amount that takes to meet the needs of a child.But is comes from the state. The exception would be if it were a church or other private child care agency in which case it would come from private donations

  14. It comes from both state and federal funds.

  15. The money does come from the state.  I doubt anyone could manage to care for the children and buy a new TV, as one poster suggested.  The stipend that is meant to cover the needs of the children is usually not enough.  Most foster parents use the stipend plus money from their personal funds to cover the costs of caring for the children in foster care.

  16. yes. N-O Duh!It comes from the state. People love fostering, they get money to pay for the kid and get a companion/ child/ new TV.

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