
Yoga or Fencing?

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I'm registering for college classes, and I'm looking for a Kinesiology class. I'm interested in Beginning Fitness Yoga or Beginning Fencing for my first hour.

Beginning Fitness Yoga course description- "This course is designed for fitness enthusiasts who want a workout as well as receiving many of the benefits of traditional yoga. Students will strengthen and stretch muscles while improving flexibility, body alignment, and breathing techniques."

Beginning Fencing course description- "This course provides instruction in the basic fundamentals of movement and simple offense and defense with foil as well as explanation of rules for foil fencing."

I need two hours of Kinesiology, and I'd probably prefer to take one of the above, and its intermediate course, rather than both Beginning Fitness Yoga and Beginning Fencing.





  1. id do fencing you can kick but and im sure it would be a lot more fun.

  2. yoga, fo sho.

    You get streched.

  3. First, I am very curious as to why you would ask a bunch of strangers what class you should choose? Do you not have a preference? We know your interests about as much as any other fool on the street, only you know what you think you might truly enjoy. It seriously is about what YOU will like. Take one, see how you like it, and if you want to try the other, just take it another semester! :)

    Go make your own decision an don't rely on opinions of strangers!

  4. You can do Yoga at home on your own without any equipment, but not fencing. Also you need much more personal training with fencing. Yoga skills can be easily improved by reading the right books.

    So I would chose fencing. It´s fun, very athletic and no sport for the stupid. ....just like Yoga, damned! ;)
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