I was given the okay to have yogurt last week and now I'm not sure if I'm doing any damage by having light yogurt with aspartame in it. I am totally NOT trying to keep my weight down (I lost 8 lbs at the beginning and so far have only put 1 lb back on) but Yoplait Light fat free yogurt has the most amazing flavors I've ever had! It was my favorite yogurt before and still is, but the artificial sweetners are concerning me. I'm not neurotic about anything else, at all, and am getting some pretty strong flutters at night so obviously the baby is moving around. (I'll be at 19 weeks on Monday.) I'm also not a phenylketonuric, so I have no allergies to aspartame. Any info that you might have would be greatly appreciated! :) Thanks so much and good luck to all the other preggers out there!!!