
Yogurt drops for my dwarfs

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I gave my dwarf hamster a yogurt drop treat about 3 hours ago. I was holding him about 10 minutes ago and noticed a little diarrhea. It wasn't like a brown color, more of a mucusy texture, green color.

He's eating and drinking fine, and my other dwarf, who got a yogurt drop, doesn't seem to be affected by it.

Would the drops have caused this?




  1. I agree, they are very sugary and should be avoided.  I used to buy them and feed several at a time, until I realized they weren't good for them.  They do love them, but at most, maybe as a very rare treat, and not a whole one.

  2. Yes, those are like sugar shock and dwarfs can be prone to diabetes. I'd toss the drops.  

  3. It's definitely possible that's what caused it, especially if he hasn't had anything like that before.. but either way I'd get rid of the yogurt drops. They're packed with sugar and are just very unhealthy, especially for something as small as a dwarf. That's a lot of sugar in a little body. Dried fruits or cereals like Cheerios are better for them, and they still seem to love them.

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