
Yohh, imagine what a modern day god would be like?

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Like the old myth types cept in todays world... like just a really godly person that no one would be able to fukkeraround with.

I imagine a whiteboy who is a street cypherin rap freestylin, skateboard sidewalk surfing, graffiti painting pirate with carribean styled hair from Canada that kicks ALOT of a**?

i say freestlyer and skateboarder cos he'd have to be pretty cool... i mean come on, godly or what? i'd also say artist cos he'd have to be creatively influenced and spiritually attuned.

I figured him for a pirate cos he'd have no actual place to call home so he'd always be drifting around, you know? and he'd be rugged and tough so i think a good decked out carribean bucaneer sounds sweet.

I said from Canada, cos lets face it, we're probably the coolest in the world... cos of the cold weather :P.

That'd honestly be pretty cool.

Just throwin it out there.




  1. He is just as nonexistent as he ever was.

  2. There is an existing God today. His name is Jesus.

    The God of today is the God of forever.... Loving, just, merciful, ready to forgive. My God is a God who parted the sea, calmed another sea, saved His people from pharoah, from lions, from giants, from drowning, from sin, from death. My God is one who gave His very live for the people he cared about most, long before anyone gave their's for their country. My Gid is the God who has redeemed unto Himself a peculiar people, who stand out against the world. My God and your God can be the same. He's calling you to His cross. He's inviting you to touch His hands, to see Hi side.... the choice is your's, but He seems awfully real and powerful to me.

  3. Sorry to burst your bubble, but he already exists and his name is Chuck Norris.

  4. a God who wont allow human to live. like come on what have we all been up to? denying Him and humiliating the cross.

  5. What I picture a modern day god to be, would have to be Obama.

    People treat him like one anyway.

    But while y'all are worshipping him, I'll be worshipping HIM.

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