
Yonsei University?

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I will attend Yonsei in spring 2009. I'm a Korean-American currently living in Nashville,TN. Is there any way I can make some money in Korea while attending school?

Is there any job I can look for that requires the english language?I graduated k~12 in the US.





  1. Almost all jobs involving teaching English for a business require a bachelors degree.  You can, however, try to setup private lessons by posting an ad in the Global Lounge, which is across from the main library.  I believe a lot of students had success with this method.

    If you are not looking to teach; I think you may be able to find something, provided your Korean is passable.  Some jobs of former students include:




    I do not think these are particularly high (or even decent) paying jobs...

    If you do have your bachelors, then finding a job should be very easy; even on a part-time basis.  You can just google "teaching in korea" and find plenty of opportunities.

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