
You're all missing the point!?

by  |  earlier

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Eluding to my question about that i can only open up and write to the best of my ability when stoned, I,m not short of ideas or topics to write about. What frustrates me is that i have to be in a sedated state for the actual words to flow and written the way i truly feel about a topic or subject where i can write for 4 to 6 hours non stop on anything i desire. Thats what frustrates me the most. When i,m straight i can't even write two lines. Any tried and tested techniques would be appreciated. Thank you.




  1. You say that when high you have no problem concentrating... Well when I wanna write something I need silence and ideas. And of course the will to write no matter what. Try writing at night at light turned down. Works for me.

    Please have a look at this:;...

    I would like to read what you write when you can write for hours, I need a break after an hour.

  2. You write better when stoned for two reasons:  

    1.  You have reduced your inhibitions chemically.

    2.  You have trained yourself to respond creatively in the presence of your chemical of choice.

    As far as the first reason, that's just biology.  But the second reason, you can do something about.  I used to write only while intoxicated, but after having been sober for several years I've had to make a change.  If you really want to write while sober, you have to make yourself write while sober.  It will probably be frustrating when you don't have that flow happening at first, but as you continue to push your mind I'm sure you'll see that changing.  Basically, just tell yourself that no matter what, you have to write x pages, or poems, or whatever, and then make yourself do it.  If they suck, they suck.  The creativity that makes you write is still there, you just have to find another way to get to it.

  3. coffee! it will keep your mind awake and will give you that happy care free feeling.. and it taste's good :)

  4. OK, OK, calm down. I read your last question and thought you were quite good.

  5. Yep. I think what's happening is that when you aren't opening up the gate to inspiration through the vehicle of cannabis, you're too pressured to actually allow yourself to work.

    Your muse is under pressure. It's cornered, cramped, bunched up and therefore unable to flow. Which is why the bong-o-plenty works for you.

    I get it. Used to be my creative lubricant when younger.

    Creativity while a gift is also a discipline which needs space to do what it does. The brain needs a break in order to solve the problem. Which is why that old adage about having a brainstorm or inspiration at 3 am is so true.

    It's also true that creativity doesn't happen in a vacuum.

    Two things need to happen. One, you need to fill up you head with things that are interesting or inspiring. They don't need to make sense. They just need to freak you out, stimulate you, tickle your sensibilities. You need to fill your head with this stuff daily as part of your practice. Just for say half an hour to an hour.

    Two,  you need to give your head a break. Take a walk. Get away from the computer. Take a notepad and pen with you or recording device. Get out, and away. Don't force the process, but be ready for it when it hits. Then let it flow.

    And do this regularly. Make it habit.

    I'll suggest a book: The War of Art. Go to and buy it. Great tool for moving past blocks and bad habits, and meeting deadlines.  

    You'll get past this, and soon enough you'll be writing regularly without your muse Sativa. And as jealous as she may become, you may be surprised how much more powerful you new muse is.

  6. think about your childhood and get a vitamin water focus it will come to you.

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