
You're on an island in the Pacific-- your plane has incinerated and you have nothing but these seven items...

by Guest58467  |  earlier

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1. A case of Dixie Cups (144 cups)

2. A bottle of baby oil

3. A 20-foot extension cord

4. A bowling ball

5. A size 16 silk evening dress

6. A roller skate

7. An old computer monitor

How do you use these items to either survive on the island or get off the island?




  1. Burn it all and hope someon see's the smoke.

  2. Since the dress is not my size, there is nothing to do  except look for fresh water, food, shelter, and work on making fire, all towards the goal of having a dinner party.  You can McGiver some cool stuff from the above list, but the basics will keep you going!  (Even if you can build a satellite phone from the above pile of junk, you still need to break for lunch and sleep sometime)   I look forward to seeing what kind of Deus Ex Machina device you intend to womp up out of the above!  "Never give up, rescue is coming" - yeah right!  The trick is to still be alive when it gets there!

  3. Use the extension cord to lasso me sea turtles then tie them to my feet and have them swim me off to someplace else ;D

    ~Capt. Jack Sparrow~

  4. i would use the case of dixie cups and poke holes in the bottom and place parts of the dress under it to filter the salt water/urine. i would use the extention cord as a pully system for hut i would make out of leaves. the bowling ball as a coconut smasher. the rollar skate wheels as a fire starter. I would use the monitar (once its daytime) as a reflector for overseeing planes.

    cough* cough*

    <--- best anwser!

    ily :)

  5. this question was up yesterday too

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