
You're walking on a road and suddenly you see something ! iTS A VASE ! Do you pick it up?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Don't pick it up just yet, it may have some things still in it.

  2. that depends....If I rub it, will a genie pop out & grant me 3 wishes?

    Why do you think this Q is hilarious? it's not even vaguely funny.

  3. yepp id pick it up and rub it to see if a genie pops out hehe!!!

  4. Well, is it brief?

    If it is, yes.

  5. Uh, OK, yes.

    So what's the point here?

    /You are standing at a crossroad. The roads go north, east, south, and west.  There are mountains to the north. The sea is visible far to the west.

    In the middle of the intersection of the roads there is a vase.

    Pick it up?


  6. It depends. Is it an interesting vase? Does it seem too out of place? Does it seem safe? If you look inside it and there doesn't seem to be anything there and it's interesting - then sure, pick it up, see what it looks like - if you like, take it home. If you don't, put it back down. Simple.

  7. no..what if it contains bad luck ...sorry for the wierd answer but u never know what an object can be doing in such an awkward place

  8. where precisely on this does is this vase? is it upright or lying on its side? what color is this vase? how large is it? how much does it weigh? is anything in it?

  9. no

  10. No. I don't go around picking up strange vases.

  11. NO! Somebody probably used it as an emergency pee-pot.

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