
You've been assigned the task of finding ways to reduce global warming. after doing meticu?

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You've been assigned the task of finding ways to reduce global warming. after doing meticu?




  1. Global Warming did not exists until the computer was invented

  2. I'm not sure what meticu is but the solution is to get off of fossil fuels as quickly as possible, reduce meat intake as it is vastly inefficient and produces unbelievable amounts of methane, walk, bike or use public transportation as a primary mode of travel, convert to more efficient electric vehicles. Get off a centralized power grid and have a network of alternative energy users (i.e. solar, wind, bio-mass, geo-thermal, etc), reduce, reuse recycle, build or restore homes to be more efficient, tankless water heaters,  turning up, down, or off the stat depending on the season,  dress appropriately even inside, rechargeable batteries, solar flash lights, cloth napkins, & the list can go on and on and on. Basically it is a mindset that once prioritized properly the solutions is easy to see and already ready to be implemented.

  3. It is a scam to brainwash the societies.

    My 2 cents.

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