
You Know when you've spent 2 Much time on y/a <span title="when.......................?">when........................</span>

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike start looking at people on the streets/train and around you, comparing their looks to the avatars on y/a......YES it's true I have offically gone crazy,nuts whatever you choose too call it.lmao Everytime I go out..I find myself comparing peoples faces with the avatars on y/ Sometimes I don't even realize i'm doing it. I think thats the first symptom of being on y/a too much. The reason i'm posting in this section is because I simply feel like it.(I like the people here) I need to know if anyone else does this. And for the sake of this section please....tell me your wonderful sun sign. I'm a very weird and random Leo.

thanks for reading this very weird question..




  1. whenever i watch tv, i look at the actors and actually GUESS their sun signs.

    but thank u for sharing ur story with us.

    cancer sun

    aries rising

    devochka: ha! i do that too. i always wonder how cute the guys are on y/a and on my contacts..just something to do when u are bored, y&#039;know?

  2. read a question like this and then pick up the awful habit yourself

    i am a gemini

  3. LOL, yes I think that perhaps you have spent too much time on yahoo answers! That&#039;s alright though, I&#039;m sure it won&#039;t be much longer before I&#039;m doing the same exact thing.  My wonderful sun sign is Cancer.  

  4. well hello there fellow leo hee hee i read down 3 rows and stopped at yours i.e. the mad random shite matched up, i know exactly what ya mean, you look at people and wonder if they were the jerk you replied to the night before. you think its bad tryin to match up faces, try playing tetris on your phone for too long youll start to see buildings falling down to make litttle rows ha ha  

  5. Sometimes I go home and tell my gf about questions on Y!A....

    NOW THATS.....spending too much time on y!a


  6. Lol, that is a sure sign you&#039;ve spent to much time on y/a.


  7. Lol that&#039;s funny... no I&#039;ve never done that but I do spend a lot of time on YA ... I love helping people so this site is great for me !

    But you know what I realized ... most of the people who answer in this catergory [horoscopes] are extremly nice and I feel like you guys are more warm and personable then people in the other section I like [ singles and dating ] ... and that&#039;s funny because I&#039;ve only answered a few questions on horoscopes and im a top contributer for singles and dating ... ha

    P.S. Im a libra !

  8. yup you&#039;re right, and almost everyone that answered your question so far is in this category too.


  9. well not particuarly the avatar, but the rising sign I have been looking at people to figure that out!   That is funny though :)  Yeah the person next to you could be that curly red headed avatar you saw answer that question last night haha!

    I&#039;m aquarius

  10. LMAO!! nice one...:D start dreaming about your contacts in your sleep....because they are soo awesome!!!

    Aries/Taurus Sun

    Cancer Moon

    Leo Rising

  11. thank god !!! am not THAT addicted !!

  12. I can&#039;t sleep because of this site. =.=

  13. Lol..i&#039;ve been on yahoo answers for a long time and never done that! It&#039;s funny though! So dont feel weird lol im sure others out there do it too..shady i do the same thing as you!! and then i look em up online to see if i was right lol..

    Hey moondie good to see you again!

  14. lol.. ok?? btw, im a Libra.

  15. hahahaha

    did you have a little too much dunkin coffee? lol

    you just made my day!


    my wonderful sign is a Scorpio


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