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by Guest33621  |  earlier

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Is she a good friend? Well, my best friend and I have been best friends for three years. The only thing is, I feel like I'm more of the generous and nice person in our relationship , [not to sound self centered at all!], because when ever I do something for her, she really doesnt act like she appreciates it. She doesnt even really do the same thing to me. And she acts really bitchy to me sometimes and if I ask her about it, or get mad about it, she'll turn around and make it my fault and she makes me feel like I have to work harder in our friendship. I don't want to lose her, but deep down I dont know how she feels. [She's kind of a self-centered-person, ya know?]. Heres a IM conversation we had today:

Her: im at skool where the **** are you

Me: At home- I'm sick, I HAVE to be back tommorrow tho.

Her:cool ? i feel perfectly better.

Me: really? awesome. Im not feeling good :/

Her: we got to try africa food today !

Me: cool cool

Her: surreee

Me: Whats wrong?

Her: nothin. y

Me: just wondering, u sound




  1. u know what, i dont know what she gives u or what benefits u been her freind, but u have to make worthy of urself. a &quot;freind&quot; doesnt act like her. and make u feel the minority like she makes u feel. there are way! better friend like her, dont be w/ her if u think because she is popular and u wanna belong in the clik u know. be u and other will admire what u are and cherish who u are. so loose her! giving the cold shoulder will make her come back w/ a better attitude towards u, if not its because she was using u as ur dog pet.

  2. stop

  3. Ok i had the same problem with my EX-Best friend! her name is Janelle and we were friends for 7 yrs! Well she was acting exaclly like ur friend is acting! I no u dont want 2 lose her but if she is going 2 play these childish games u dont need her in ur life! If she acts bitchy 2 u then u need 2 tell her! U diserve better then that! U dont need her! I give u all of my luck!!!!!!!!!!  -Liz

  4. ive bin throoo dis b4, an shes usin u i just no it bc if she doesnt respect da way u respect her youre relationship is not equal an it sounds like she happy that you were unwell and im not being rude but its sound like she your owner bc evey time u try and ask her wotsup she wants everytin her way an gets mad an wants u 2 b her dog, if u no wot i mean and its all bout her bc wen u sed u wwere sick she has a kind of woteva its all bout me, attiude! also if u notice she hangs around with other people wen theyre there and she hangs around wiv u wen there no1 else 2 hang bout wiv then she is definatley using u! hope i helped, all the best! :) u never no i culd b rong just try a have a chat wiv her, an say if u want 2 stay friends then she has to treat the same way!!!:)

  5. shes kinda mean no offense but idk what to Tell you just tell her how you feel and get mad back at her

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