Is she a good friend? Well, my best friend and I have been best friends for three years. The only thing is, I feel like I'm more of the generous and nice person in our relationship , [not to sound self centered at all!], because when ever I do something for her, she really doesnt act like she appreciates it. She doesnt even really do the same thing to me. And she acts really bitchy to me sometimes and if I ask her about it, or get mad about it, she'll turn around and make it my fault and she makes me feel like I have to work harder in our friendship. I don't want to lose her, but deep down I dont know how she feels. [She's kind of a self-centered-person, ya know?]. Heres a IM conversation we had today:
Her: im at skool where the **** are you
Me: At home- I'm sick, I HAVE to be back tommorrow tho.
Her:cool ? i feel perfectly better.
Me: really? awesome. Im not feeling good :/
Her: we got to try africa food today !
Me: cool cool
Her: surreee
Me: Whats wrong?
Her: nothin. y
Me: just wondering, u sound