
You REALLY cant get pregnant with a short luteal phase???

by  |  earlier

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i just got a positive OPK today and my periods in 7 days. i was just told that its almost impossible to get pregnant with a short luteal phase.

is this true??????




  1. Some people who are trying to get pregnant get completely obsessed with it and make up a bunch of c**p about it. They try to turn it into a science. Having a baby is a gift. You shouldn't make s*x a chore. Enjoy having s*x with your husband and it'll happen in God's timing. God's timing isn't always ours. He's not a genie in a bottle, here to meet our every wish. But I can't tell you the number of people I know who were told they couldn't get pregnant after years of trying and then as soon as they gave up, it happened.

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