
You all want the unitement, right?(irish people answer plz)?

by  |  earlier

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I know I've asked this before but I recently asked a question in Belfast section and got most people telling me they dont want the unitement, they felt strongly about it.

They also stated that the ones from the republic didnt want the unitement, most of them said this.

I dont think theyre right, i think that we are equal whether we live in the republic or not. It bothers me how the "British" ones here dislike people on the other side of the border.

Obviously northerners are not all like that, I for one am irish, not british.

so whats your thoughts on the matter of our land being split in 2?




  1. i dont want a united ireland... who wants martin and gerry having any say in this country... let alone the unionist involvement

  2. wow dunno what to say as I don't know much about the issue? but it sounds harsh..kinda like over here in the US how we like to tie up the mehican-borderline make sure illegals don't accidently 'slip through' ;)

    I think the real law that needs to get done here is overpopulation - there are too many people and problems not enough love to go around..I really hate how the world is being run but there is little I can do as I have my own problems (i.e. mom dieing of cancer dad on his way to collapse brother who is glued to computer screen and the list goes on)

  3. It's already in the bag.Our time will come.The most people in your other question were Protestants and one traitor.

  4. I'm definately in support of re-unification.  The All Island Republic was declared in 1916, and that's what I'd like to see.

    Alan below is full of shite, there hasn't been a referendum in the 6 counties in a long time. Also, there is no such thing as british.

    Alan, there is no such thing as 'british'.  The empire has fallen and the 'kingdom' is breaking up. Face facts. A pipe dream that you need to wake up from.

    The referendum in 1998 was to support or reject the GFA, nothing to do with secession.

    Ireland is the mainland of the Irish Isles.

  5. Yes. Lets be united. Under British rule. Makes sense as al lthe islands should stick together.Opinions do not mean much. Facts do. The IRA for years tried to bomb and kill innocent children etc to make the British people in north become united. It failed because it made them more determined not to give in to terror. A referendum held two years ago give a 87% vote in favour of staying British. Thats a huge majority. Even the catholics in north want to stay British. Its very simple. If you are born in N. Ireland you are british whether you like it or not. Same rule applies everywhere in the world. Hopefully one day Ireland will be all one . British that is. Hopefully the young people in south will see  sense.David c seems to have missed the last two referendums. One in 1998 was 82% in favour of being British.Its increased to 87% since then. Not an opinion David C. Fact. Check it up. Irteland is also part of the British Isles. Fact David.

  6. I don't care. If the majorities of both are happy then that is fine by me.

  7. I want to see reunification, but it must come through education and consent, not coercion - I hope and believe I will see the cross-border institutions gradually becoming federal institutions,  and the unhinged bigots of both extremes dwindling into insignificance as people realise the harm they have done.

    My own background?  A Protestant from the Republic - and I would describe my politics as constitutional Republican Socialist.

    Tiocfaidh ar La.

  8. I live in Northern Ireland and resolutely state my nationality as Irish and Irish only. However I do NOT want to see a United Ireland  within my lifetime.

    I have many friends on both sides of the community and never once have I heard one of my British friends express dislike towards our neighbours in the Republic. I have no idea where you are getting this information from.

    Also these constant questions from you pushing this topic are getting very tiresome.

    Let old wounds heal so we can all move into the future together.

  9. As someone else rightly pointed out, the word Unitement does not exist.

    I'm from Kildare and do not want the 6 counties back. Keep it.

  10. Unitement? That's not a word, mate. Unity.

    I agree with you, it shouldn't matter anymore where people are from. But I have to say that from my own personal experience, I have never experienced any hostility from anyone in Northern Ireland because I'm from the Republic.

    Things are very different to how they were 30 years ago, in a  good way.

  11. The one thing I want to see before i die. I would love to see the english reaction if we demanded an equal section of england to belong to ireland for no good reason, kick the english off the land and replace them with irish people. Then we would complain at the audacity of the english when they tried to cheekily take their own homes back.

  12. Unification maybe, unitement's brutalizing the english - language.

  13. Ireland is an island, therefore we are all Irish, simple as that.

    If certain people beleive they are british then simply F*** off over to Britain.

    Dont want to be that hard but thats how i feel.

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