
You and your child are riding on the titanic....?

by  |  earlier

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and suddenly it crashes into a glacier because that darn captain wasn't paying attention, cause he was too busy watching Jack and Rose, so the titanic is now sinking, and its just you and your child and the guy says, I'm sorry but one of you will have to stay behind, who would you let stay behind to freeze and probably die, YOU or YOUR CHILD??

*Ok great now that you have answered that question, how many of you who said that you'd let your child board the safety boat, would choose your baby's life over yours in the case of complications in the pregnancy where there was a possibility that you may remember Rose got rescued, so there was that possiblity that whoever got left behind would have been rescued too.




  1. id stay on the ship,and let my kids be saved

  2. Who is ROSE?

    I'm one of the FEW up here in Canada who never saw N never will see the Titanic movie.

    Le0 looks like a girl in it 1st of all N I heard the musicians kept playing a song as the ship went down...I don't know but that was a LAME flick JUST from what I know of word of mouth, BAD comparision  :OP

  3. Let my child for me..I shall live eternally in heaven..

  4. Really points out a double-standard, doesn't it? The only thing is that when you are speaking of a child, you are speaking of someone with life experiences...which makes them seem more human than an unborn baby.

    I know there is a better way to say that, but right now it's the best I can do. I would abort the pregnancy if it meant my life. (After all, who would take care of the kid?) It would depend on the chances of complications.

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