
You are #5 in a 12-team league. Who's your second pick?

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Do you go RB-RB or reach for Tom Brady ?

Each roster must consist of the following 14 players.

2-QB- Quarterbacks

3-RB- Running Backs

5-REC- Wide Receivers/Tight ends

2-PK- Kickers

2-DEF- Defense / special team

Line up Must Play every week at least:






1-UT – utility player (player from any position on the bench)


- Touchdowns

Throwing a touchdown pass (whether it’s a QB, WR, RB or PK) is worth 6 points

Rushing and receiving touchdowns are worth 6 points

- Yardage

Passing 3 points for the first 150 yards thrown; 1 additional point for every 50 yards There after.

- Rushing:

Running backs and wide receivers and Quarterbacks receive 2 points for 40 yards; 1 additional point for every 10 yards thereafter

- Receiving

Running backs and wide receivers and Quarterbacks receive 2 points for 30 yards; 1 additional point for every 10 yards thereafter.

- Completions

Quarterback receives a 3 point bonus for 25 or more completions

- Interceptions / Fumbles lost

Interception -1

Fumbles lost -1




  1. brady is bound to be going in the first round, so i would go for a good running back or even a strong WR

  2. i would go rb- rb, but if brady is still thir(doubtful) then defiantly take him

  3. Don't go RB-RB if your in the middle. You end up missing out on a decent QB or top WR. You want a consistent and balance team. Try going for the best available for you #5 pick (RB) then go WR or QB in the 2nd round. A RB will be there in the 3rd.

  4. I say use rb-rb if you dont want a strong receiving team.  If you do want a strong receiving team then go 4 qb-wr-rb-rb

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