
You are a farmer growing vegetable crops....?

by  |  earlier

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You are a farmer growing vegetable crops that depended on a very delicate species of bee for pollination. Your crops have been invaded by a destructive beetle that reproduces rapidly. In past years this type of beetle has destroyed up to 60% of your harvest.

• Which form of pest control would you choose to save your crops?

• Detail why you would choose this method. Is there any method you would not use?

• Explain your answer.




  1. I would us a biological method of control if one were available.  Otherwise I would try to select an insecticide that controlled the beetle and did not harm the bees.  Another alternative would be to destroy the beetles with insecticide and after their destruction intorduce the necessary bees for pollination.  This would probably require a strong, short duration insecticide.

  2. I'd use Endosulphan, it has a very wide pest control range and it is harmless for bees.

  3. Well I can't really anwser your question because I'm not a farmer but I was hoping you could post some science fair ideas that deal with your topic or just some science ideas that deal with food.

  4. Integrated pest control method is best.It is a combination of organic, inorganic and cultural practices to control pest. First you should adujust time of sowing so that peak period of pest incidence will not coincide with vegetative stage of crop. Then use spray of natural pesticides like neem oil alternately with IPM marked pesticides.

  5. i would just stash and burn. it has already invaded my crops up to 60 %.killing the beetles with pesticide wont halp as they would grow more the first case, the farmer should have prevented the invasion of beetles by using pesticide. instead, it is too late now.

  6. I'd use Endosulphan. It is really good for plants so try it if you can.

  7. You have a situation here where you can not use an insecticide or you would kill the bees that are required for pollination of your crop.  You must control the harmful beetles or risk losing 60% of your crop.  You must take steps to control the beetle without harming the bee.

    One method of controlling the beetles would be use of beneficial nematodes.  These nematodes patrol the soil to a depth of 7" and quickly take care of the slow-moving grubs, like Japanese Beetle grubs, that inhabit at the deeper layers of the soil. They act by invading grub or larval bodies and by then releasing bacteria that are deadly to the grubs or larvae. Death usually occurs between 24-48 hours. The nematodes can produce up to 3 generations during the following 3 weeks and they thrive until the grub/larval infestation is severely depleted.  If you control the grubs you control the beetle.

        A product called Milky Spore also does an effective job of controlling the grubs and would not harm the bee population that you must preserve.

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