
You are a scientist that ha just recieved $1,000,000 grant to help the environment how wouldyou use the money?

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Ok so as a journal topic i have to pretend i am a scientist that has recieved $1,000,000 grant to help the environment how would i use the money to help better the earth? any ideas and help on this i really am terrible with these i have another one comming your way please help :(




  1. Population control. The root cause of all our environmental problems is that there are too many people which makes sustainability truly impossible over the long long run. Nature has a way of taking care of surpluses which could be disease, famine or perhaps even global warming which may create a series of events that make it much more difficult for people in the future.

  2. Buy a hybrid car and to have a new solar powered house.

  3. find a way to stop the worlds gas addiction. create an alternate fuel source. decrease gas emissions. find a way to stop methane gas from cows since they pollute more than the earth. create vehicles that don't pollute at all.

  4. Since 1,000,000 $ is not a lot of money when it comes to changing the world, a precise objective needs to be defined.

    1. Create an X prize, for an environmental task, like building optical fibers that will channel sunlight into the room, thus eliminating need of lights in the daytime.

    (If you have read one of my other answers, then you will find a similar suggestion there. Sorry for repetition, but I think it is a grand idea.)

    2. Donate to a university under condition that they offer "Environment " related course.

    3. Buy copies of books and dvds on the subject and donate it to libraries etc.

  5. Well 1,000,000 really won't get you that far.... sad to say.  

    However I think I would put my money into researching straw bale homes.  They are a cheap to build , they are built with a renewable resource (straw),  and are highly energy efficient.

  6. Use the money for research into ways of simplifying the current technology to make it cheaper so that the average household can afford things like a hybrid car, solar panels, small wind mills, etc...

  7. i would set up a research project to find out what better ways there is to save the environment and how to reduce the possible of global warming although i would know that it is also a natural cause but why human activity is making it worst and do my best to prevent it.

  8. plant trees

  9. Well I'd use it for research obviously.

    Probably try to help the research of artificial trees, which are supposed to clean the air more efficiently than regular trees, and are the best way to scrub the atmosphere.

    Either that or I'd study ocean fertilization.

  10. Do what others have done....  Do some bogus research, produce some bogus results, make sure the results require more research and more money, scare everyone, including elected officials, into thinking it's a "crisis" and petition the government and taxpayers for more money to study the "problem" further.  Buy a big house, nice cars, go on vacations, send your kids to the finest colleges.  You know, make it work for you, like the others.

    OR, you could be responsible and perform REAL SCIENCE.  You might have to get a real job when you discover that there aren't nearly as many problems as we're led to believe, but you could sleep better at night.

  11. Invest the one million and use the profits to: (1)Begin a trust to plant trees, a viable renewable resource that has been proven to help clean the air and water. (2) Develop a company to go to locations where fecal matter is found to be coming into the ground water and rebuild septic systems, esp. in karst areas.  I build these intitially small scale and hopefully profitable, so that the 1 million could be maintained to start other projects.

  12. Open up a gas station using user friendly fuel and locate these on major thru ways off highways..also,open up a car lot selling the fuel efficient cars,too..

    change of plans,go on vacation and borrow a scientist from another country who is miles ahead of U>S> on this issue...

  13. I would build myself an eco-friendly house complete with garage for my new hybrid cars, and a lab in the basement to find a way to get more alcohol out of corn. (for ethanol)

  14. Develop an inexpensive, drop in replacement for a hybrid motor to be used in some of the most popular used cars already out on the market.  Honda Accord, Civic, Toyota Corolla, some trucks, etc.  After development, sell at cost to boost the average fuel economy without having to actually buy a new hybrid (which in itself, uses masses amounts of resources to make the car and ship it to market).

  15. I would use half the money to buy undeveloped land in different areas.  The rest I would put into setting up wind and sun based energy generators. Also setting up a program to help people purchase environmentally green products (solar panels, roof top windmills, etc.) and build greener homes.

  16. I would use the money to get career politicians out of office, thereby reducing all of the hot air coming out of Washington, D.C., which would eliminate global warming.

  17. Use it to explore and promote ways to restore the sea floor that has been destroyed by bottom-trawlers.  The seas are the "lungs" of the planet, and the widespread destruction of the sea floor habitat is a major contributor to environmental degradation, including the inability of the seas to support the recovery of depleted fisheries.

  18. Hmm.. it is your assignment. I would love to answer this for you, but then I would be doing your work and putting ideas in your head. I worked hard when I was in school and was graded for my effort and my thought. Journalism.. I assume that is something you want to do... so dig in about an issue that sparks your interest. If I tell you my ideas, then you don't learn how to open yourself up to following leads that touch your soul and make you a good journalist. I don't know you, but I respect you enough to allow you to find your own solution. You can do this with the positive thinking you need to boost your self confidence.

    Good Luck,


  19. Hello:

    IF I had just been awarded the tidy amount of $1.M grant to help the environment, how would I use the money?

    1.  Develop an idea that I have that would eliminate all pollutions from escaping into the atmosphere, from coal-fired plant smokestakes.(especially in Australia)

    2.  Develop another idea that I have that would enable vehicles to travel non-stop for over 6,000 miles, using a new source of unlimited electricity that is 100% self-contained, 100% pollution free and 100% friendly to the environment.

    3.  Introduce a new type of offshore wind-farms that are 100% invisible to the naked eye, and will not harm or kill the thousands of migrating birds that use air routes that fly through these massive wind-turbine farms.

    4.  Contact major utility companies, worldwide, about using this new source of unlimited electricity to replace their current nuclear energy plants that are now generating electricity for residents, businesses and government buildings.

    I have been researching renewable energy sources for the past ten years, and almost by accident, came across this brand new source of unlimited electricity that does not depend upon or need any types of fossil fuels, solar, wind, thermo or nuclear energy in order to operate,  If such a system were installed on board an ocean-going freighter, replacing the massive diesel engines, that ship could travel from Australia to the United States and back again, navigating through the roughest weather and not burn one single gallon of diesel fuel......!

    Or..........If installed on board a conventional powered submarine, in place of the diesel engines, that conventional powered submarine could remain submerged for unlimited amounts of time, using this new source of unlimited electricity combined with the on board marine batteries, outdoing even the Swedish version of the AIP(Air Independent Propulsion) system currently being used....!

    What happens when a nuclear powered submarine suffers a radiation leak or a meltdown while at sea?  The escaping radiation escapes into the marine environment causing severe damages or a nuclear meltdown in a reactor on land, with the radiation escaping into the atmosphere and causing severe health problems for the world's populations!  This NEW source of unlimited electricity would provide realistic solutions to these very deadly problems that mankind is now being faced with.

    This is what I would do with a grant for $1.M!

    What would you do with such a grant?

    Thank you.......

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