
You are not going to believe this!?

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You couldn't make this up.How do people get in to situations like this?Why didn't her boyfriend suss she needed help sooner?

The mind boggles.




  1. Some people are like that...

  2. whoa

  3. this is crazy good!!

  4. its a wind up ,surely

  5. that's mental !!

  6. If it were true then its sad but WTF............

    Trapped on the crapper for two years??

    surely shed have had a slipped disc held in that position.

    how the f..k did she sleep.

    you know i reckon he put superglue on the seat!

  7. Theres more to this then the story told

  8. Ok, what's a Tartan Moon?

    My only thought is that his "flat" is actually a single-wide out in the boonies.  I'm sorry if that offends anyone.

    Both of the woman and the "boyfriend" must suffer from mental illness - or are mentally disabled (what's that, an IQ below 75?)

    Are you sure didn't pick this up from ?

    Good evening.

  9. Oh my word.  Makes the old nursery rhyme sound almost legitimate.  Two old ladies stuck in the lavatory. lol  but this time it was just one

  10. Well, one's bowel insecurities can lead to a certain over-reliance on the lavatory, I suppose.

  11. There has to be something wrong with that woman.

    I feel bad for her.

    But wow that's crazy.

  12. Omg!!! That is freaky!!!!

  13. I can't believe that? So for two whole years she lived on a loo? I don't even want to imagine the state of her hygiene never mind the loo! I wonder if her BF flushed the chain while he was feeding her? and I guess he never needed to use it!

    This poor woman had to be mentally unbalanced, BF included.... ;-l

  14. Its hard to believe, there has to be mental issues here, not just with her but with the boyfriend also.

  15. Holy c**p. They must be potty.

  16. I don't believe this story at all. How was she being fed?

    How did she sleep for that length of time sitting up?

    Why wasn't she reported as a missing person?

    There are too many unanswered questions and it just defies belief.

    The facts are I think it's just another exaggerated story by the media. Don't believe everything you read in the newspapers.

  17. Poor mental health is a terrible thing

  18. O_o

  19. You are right - I don't believe it!

  20. LOL!! its a great story, cant believe Mr S got there first .........unless of course, he was the boyfriend.......

  21. wow... why didnt she get off the toilet?!?!? and ewww, her skin grew around the toilet seat???? i mean seriosly, how DO people get themselves into this kinda thing?

  22. what 2years ! got to have a sore ****

  23. I might just believe it ;)

  24. very odd. but hilarious. only in america i say

  25. And if You believe that...You will believe

  26. OMG!

    Brings a lot of other questions to how did she sleep, and she ate while on the throne to..yuck!!

    And how about getting washed up..again OMG..lets not go any further!!

  27. I don't believe it!

  28. Don't judge him unless you were in his situation.

  29. That's pretty hard to imagine, but I agree with you. Why the h**l didn't he think she needed help?

    Common sense seems to be severely lacking in some people nowadays.....

  30. Thats weird and kinda sad I hope the women is alright

  31. 8>O

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