
You are not going to believe what....

by  |  earlier

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my toddler did the other day--I cleaned the whole house for company on Saturday--anyway, one of my guests came out of the bathroom kinda laughing and b4 I knew it, everyone in my house was uncontrollably laughing!! My daughter said to me, mommy, I made the bathroom all pretty! I couldn't believe my eyes--she took a whole package of sanitary pads and stuck them all over the walls!! i know it's not a question, but I thought all the moms out there would love that story!




  1. That's so funny.

    Here's an awful one my sister and I use to do to my dad. We would take one and pull off the strip and put it sticky side up on his chair he would not look before he sat down and when he would get up it was obviously stuck to him. He was a pretty good sport about it, we never did it when company was there. Needless to say we only pulled it once or twice and he started looking before he sat. My kids are 7 & 9 and I am sure my paybacks are coming soon, their father is a big smart *** and they are following suit LOL

  2. That is funny.... art to

  3. lol.. Thats too funny...  

  4. Lol.. i know this all too well.. my son actually did the samething. got into my stuff underneith the bathroom sink..  and decorated my towlet seat.  he told me he was trying to make it more comfy for his  the things kids do....

  5. omg that is so cute.. well she tried!!!!

  6. Thank God I have a boy....

    By the way, my dog LOVES those things.

  7. d**n! I'm sorry but, that's is so funny. Just be glad that she didn't do what my little SHYTCASSO did one morning. Yep, you got it he had taken off his diaper and painted the crib,wall,his self with p**p!

  8. That is funny.

    One Time i was at my aunts house watchin my little cuzin Blake is was like 3 at the time, my aunt just took a shower and walked out of the bathroom with a tampon in and you could see the string, he was like MOMA WATS THAT!! it was soo funny. oh once his older brother found a tampon that wasnt used of course and thought it was bullet. and we around sayin LOOK I FOUND A BULLET!! it was so cute!

  9. That's funny....  My son walked in on me one day and saw me changing my pad.  He asked if I was changing my Pull Up.  I said yes I was.  I could not think of a better way to explain it.

  10. Oh that is too funny. Can't fault her for wanting to help out and decorate. Sounds like something my 6 years old Daughter would do if I used them. Too funny!! This is one to write down and hope you took a picture for the future-ha.  

  11. LOL!  

  12. lol that was a good story. Hope that doesnt happen to me.

  13. LOL that was cute how old is she?

    i guess that she was making it sanitary for you and your guests

  14. i am not a mother but i hope i wont be for another 6 years....anyway i thought that was cute but yet embarssing :)

  15. Ha ha ha!

  16. LOL! Take a picture!  Very creative! :D

  17. I am not a mommy! But I am an old father and I think that is halarious!

  18. Oh wow lol I thought it was embarrassing to have spit up on my shirt..but you definately changed that perspective. Lol thanks for sharing, i hope it never happens to me

  19. lol, that's too funny.

    What the heck, since we're on the subject - When my son was a toddler, he walked in on me changing my sanitary napkin.  He said "wee wee hurt?".lol.  He then chose to tell everyone for the rest of the day "mamma, wee wee hurt."

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