
You are now the President of the United States.

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What are the first 5 things you would put into action (do) and why?




  1. I will make the USA to peaceful country, no war. I will not use moeny on military for offence and save money for that and instead use money for defence, and strengnth the defence.  

  2. First of all, I would not want the presidentcy in favor of being a dictator. This country would change so much it would make your head spin. The power of the people for the people. My main interest would be the people of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Open up domestic drilling, tell the environmentalists to shut the h**l up. Build new refineries. Build nuclear reactors and wind mills. Lots of them. give people tax breaks if they buy electric or hydrogen cars. We need the nuclear plants and windmills for that to work though. It makes no sense to power electric cars with coal powered electric plants.

  4. 1. Find alternative fuels over oil and coal.

    2. Stop the war in Iraq.

    3. Find a way for people to live near their work.

    4. Make sure the disabled were taken care of.

    5. Everyone get equal medical treatment.

  5. I would work really hard to clear out the Democrats in congress so some wise choices can be accomplished.

  6. Bring all the military bases back to there own country. 2 Migrant workers is the only history that count and they are still making history.Is there border. 3 You love black so much gather them and put them in Poland country. And take over Africa and take good care of Albonian people they are indanger spieces. 4 Build small houses and less grass. Ride busses instead of owning two cars. 5 Take down the satilite. period Amen Alelua.

  7. 1. Clean the House and Senate. Have the House and Senate closed from outside influences such as lobbyists. If you aren't a Representive or Senator then you don't belong in either place. If lobbyist wants to meet with them then they will have to do so in the public.

    2. Executive order Balance and budget. It is absurd that the government has forgotten how to balance a checkbook. There should be exemptions to this for Federal Emergencies such as massive floodings, Hurricanes, and etc.

    3. Economy control. Set up penalities against American based corporations that outsources jobs. Create better structures to allow more jobs to come to America. Create tax structure based on the quality of workplace, for example a corporation that provides a safer working environment, provides healt insurance and benefits, or even provides pensions options will see a lower tax rate.

    4. Energy Policy. Become independent from other countries. Explore and implement every option. Drilling, refineries, wind, solar, and other alternative energies that can be harness.

    5. Foreign Policy. Stop policing the world. Remove US forces from NATO and only support though fixed annual funds. Remain active through United Nations diplimatically but exercise that other countries have to take care of themselves.  

  8. i will apologize for whatever US has done for which many hate US

    resolve disputes with iraq

    try to help other countries more

    i think these r only the vital things to b done

  9. 1. Drill here drill now and start researching/implementing alternative fuels. Start development of more nuclear power plants for energy.


    We have no choice unless we want to be spending $10/gallon within the next 2-3 years. We have the technology to go in, get the oil, and not harm the land. Natural resources are here for a reason. We might as well use them while we can or at least until we have alternative fuels. The land doesn't have to be destroyed to drill for oil, just managed. If we really have to, hire more people and environmentalists to make sure corners aren't being cut.

    2. Deport illegal aliens and alien criminals with no amnesty. Then secure the border and hire more border patrol.


    They are costing us $338 billion each year for housing, food, education, and health care. They should have to follow the legal process just like I would if I went to their country. Securing the border and hiring more border patrol would create a lot of jobs.

    3. Cut government spending. Stop sending jobs to China and India. Encourage tax cuts to U.S. companies who hire efficiency officers who will help improve quality and quantity of the manufacturing of US goods.


    We are spending too much and relying too much on other countries for goods and jobs. The tax break would be an incentive for companies so our economy could rely more on US goods (ie automobiles, clothes, other basic necessities). Also, more goods from the US would eliminate shipping costs being sent overseas and it would help our trucking industry.

    4. Develop a plan with Iraqi officials for a safe and proper withdrawal making sure the Iraqi government/military can defend itself and govern properly.


    We are nearing the end of a welcomed stay and too much longer will prevent the Iraqi government from developing into a compitent defense and order for Iraq and its people. As long as we do it safely and properly, there can't be a scheduled timetable because in war, you can only be so proactive. Typically being proactive instead of reactive is the best case senario, but you never know what the enemy will do or when.

    5. Withdraw from the UN.


    World government will never work and the UN is just a bigger money maker than each individual country who is part of it. Its almost like a government for a government and they want world order and tell each country what to do with its money and people.

  10. 1. Phased removal of troops from foreign bases such as Japan, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc...

    2. Phased removal of federal government control on programs such as education, health care, etc... Giving FULL power back to the states.

    3. Strengthen Military defensive strategies, while taking focus off of it's current offensive world-policing strategies.

    4. Remove government restrictions on which companies that can drill for oil where/who can build refineries, etc... Bringing true competition to the market, which will result in lowering prices.

    5. Legalize the Constitution, and go over every federal law with a fine-toothed comb, removing all laws and bureaucracies that are Unconstitutional.

  11. 1. isolate different genders

    2. provide free education until college

    3. help poor countries to cope up with new technology

    4. encourage evryone to join global-warming activities

    5. kill the jonas brothers. ü

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