
You are on a cruise boat and it is sinking what do you do?

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I would get on a mini boat and get away.




  1. plug my nose and hold my breath.

  2. Put on my life vest, go to my muster station and wait to board a lifeboat.

    In which pocket do you keep your mini boat?

  3. Pray, grab a life vest, then run to the life boats.

  4. Be calm go to the muster station(the gathering place), with your life jacket.  Do what you are told by the crew of the ship.  Just don't panic.  The crew will tell you what to do.

  5. Go to my muster station and let the crew evacuate me.

  6. Go to the assigned station with life jacket on> Help woman & children first into the life boats>

  7. Get off (or go down with it.)

    Nautical term for mini boat - life boat

    An excellent example of how NOT to abandon ship is covered in the movie Titanic.

  8. I would make sure my family or friends would be taken care of , I wouldn't wait for help. Everyone is briefed about where the securities measures are, and if there is older lost people or youngsters lost, I would do my darnest to make sure they are noticed to be saved.

  9. Start looking for Kate Winslet, so I can be a hero for once!

  10. go where they tell me, so they can put me on a boat.

  11. I would put on my life preserver, release the inflatable life raft (not the hard shelled life boats) and find a hatch to escape from without having to jump to far down and try to get some provisions before exiting.  The inflatable life rafts that they have aboard most cruise ships, as well as U.S. Navy vessels have some food and water, and also offer you the best protection at sea.  You would not want to put your life preserver on and jump from too far above because there is a chance you could break your neck when you hit the water.  If you had to jump from a high place you would want to jump in and then put on your life preserver.  After I got out of the ship safely, I would try to help others do so as well.

  12. Call 911 quick lol. Really you should follow protocall. Meet up at the required point of gathering with your life jacket on and do as the person in charge tells you to do in an orderly manner.

  13. as a USCG licensed Master of Passenger Vessels,I can tell you the official time honored answer is:

    When in danger

    or in doubt

    Run in circles

    Scream and shout.

    Standing in one spot and yelling "We're all going to die" is also accepted.

  14. Within the first few hours of your cruise the ship will conduct an emergency drill. You will be instructed what to do if the ship must be abandoned. Different ships in different waters have different procedures.

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