
You are over 45 and have no children. How is your experience of this childlessness, whether chosen or not?

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  1. Ok well it's not me, but my friend is 42 and has been married for 15 years and they chose not to have children. Her experience of childlessness is great, they do what they want, when they want, they take regular vacations, they buy fancy things, their house is always clean, they entertain people, she goes and gets her various beauty treatments and puts herself and her husband before anything. It's not a life I would choose, but she is very happy with their decision. Yet a downside of this is that people assume the reason she is childless is that she isn't able to have kids, and they feel sorry for her.

  2. please explain your question a little more

  3. Yes I am over 45, in fact I just turned 46. I have 7 children and honestly wish that I never did.

    Europe, you don't have a clue, there are many people on Y/A that are over 45.

    What? Did you think this was a little kiddie forum or something?

  4. I feel like I'm 18.

  5. Good luck finding many people of 45 on here!  

  6. DRAGGIN7...WHAT a SAD SAD statement...You have 7 kids and you wish you never had them??? You have GOT to be kidding...I have 3 Teens (13,14 and 17)...THEY are by FAR the BEST Commitment I have EVER Made...I would do it ALL again in a Heart-Beat! If you did not want children WHY on earth did you have 7?

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