
You are playing a game of volleyball and the official has held up both hands high above his head....?

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What rule violation has happened?




  1. out of bounds

    or if the ref has both thumbs up, its a signal to replay the point because he couldn't see or something happened to distract him

  2. that means the volleyball went out of bounds for one of the teams.

  3. The ball went out of bounds, from what you have described

  4. ball is out

  5. you stepped over the line while serving

  6. out of bounds or your hand went over the top of the net.

  7. The violation is "illegal back row attacker."

    In Volleyball, only the three front-row players can spike the ball in front of the attack line, (a/k/a, 10-foot line, 3-meter line). A backrow player can spike the ball, but only if s/he jumps from behind the attack line. If a back row players jumps in front of the attack line, and contacts the ball above the height of the net.

    From the offical rule book...

    13.2.2 A back-row player may complete an attack hit at any height from behind the front zone: at his/her take-off, the player’s foot (feet) must neither have touched nor crossed over the attack line; after his/her hit, the player may land within the front zone.

    13.2.3 A back-row player may also complete an attack hit from the front zone, if at the moment of the contact the ball is not entirely higher than the top of the net.

    13.2.4 No player is permitted to complete an attack hit on the opponents’ service, when the ball is in the front zone and entirely higher than the top of the net.

  8. It depands on which way the ref's palms are facing.

    If they are facing backward, it means "out of bounds."

    If they are facing forward, it means "back row or illegal block."

  9. out of bounds?

  10. that usually means out of bounds. if they your team has the ball and they lift the hand closest to your team over their head the across their body that means to go ahead with the serve.

  11. the ball hit the ceiling! Or any other surface like walls basketball backboard.

  12. Pretty sure thats the sign for a carry

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