
You are presented with 3 white solids, A, B, and C. which are glucose (a sugar substance), NaOH, and AgBr. ?

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Solid A dissolves in water to form a conducting solution. B is not soluble in water. C. dissolves in water to form a nonconducting solution. Identify A, B, C.




  1. A - NaOH because forms Na+ and OH- ions

    B - AgBr because bromides are soluble except AgBr

    C - glucose because doesn't dissociate

  2. I'm just adding on to the other answers in case you want more explination.  A must be NaOH because the definition of a solution that conducts electricity is one the contains and ionic substsnce (NaOH) dissolved in a polar substance (water).  B is AgBr because solubility rules tell us that just about compound with Ag won't dissolve (AgNo3 is an exception).  C is glucose because as stated earlier, only IONIC substances dissolved in water conduct electricity, so a covalently bonded substance like sugar won't conduct electricity when dissolved in water.  Also, if you knew that sugar was an organic compound, then you could've also realized that organic compounds rarely conduct electricity in solution.  

  3. Silver bromide is not soluble in water so it is B.

    Glucose doesn't form ions in water so it is C.

    A is NaOH because it conducts electricity.

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