
You are tearing this nation apart,why can't you see that?

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Why can't you people see it? Liberals and Conservatives-your incessant fighting is destroying our nation. When will you both wake up? As long as you wage war with each other, we can never be able to fix any of our problems. The Liberals are just as much to blame as the conservatives for the wars thourgh their complaceny-and the Conservatives are just as much responsible for the decline of moral standards as the Liberals because of rampant corporate greed. What happened to bi-partisanship? It seems it was all just a feel-good term for you people?

And do not start saying "The liberals did that, or the Conservatives did this" We as a people are all to blame, myself included. I stood on the far left for a long time unitl I saw the damage this undeclared war was causing. I speak out against this social civil war as an American.

"A house divided cannot stand"

-Abraham Lincoln




  1. How can there be bi-partisan cooperation when one side believes in freedom, and the other believes in slavery? Where is the compromise there?

    If you believe you are entitled to my money and my property you are wrong. How am I supposed to compromise, give you half my money and property? F_ck you. It is my mine, I earned it, you are not entitled to any of it. None.

    If you believe you have the right to force me to pay for and participate in Social Security, Medicare, or universal health care, then you are wrong. How do I compromise with people that are 100% wrong?

    How does good compromise with evil without becoming evil itself?

    ....What alternate view? That is the point I am trying to make. If you believe that freedom is a human right and you believe in following the law (the Constitution), then what alternate view is there? Stealing from me is wrong and can't be justified. I know most liberals have good intentions. But their methods (stealing) are wrong. Common sense and the Constitution say I have a right to my personal property. You have every right to ask me for it, you do not have a right to take it by force (the government). Where is the alternate view? That you do have a right to my personal property? You don't, and there is no middle ground. Either you belive in freedom (and therefore my friend), or you don't (and therefore my enemy.

  2. Look what the Neocons have done with a Republican Congress an a Neocon President....There is no fix with some ideals so broken and anti American.  The new Democratic party is the true Blue Dog American. Obama is the answer. Bring Americans together not divide them with slogans like "You're either with me or against me"

  3. I agree with you.

    We hear what the parties say, but really, when it comes down to it, there is little difference between them.  During elections, they try to show that there are real differences, but when it comes to the actions the Congress or President takes, it's pretty much the same.

    It all comes down to power.  Everyone wants a seat at the table of power.  But when it comes to it, none of them have the stomach to make real change.  The election is like a giant smoke-screen that they put in front of us to get us riled up, and to vote for one self-serving egotist or the other.  But no matter who you pick, there will be no change, for 2 reasons:

    1. They personally are doing really well:  lots of money, power and control.

    2. None of them are really smart enough or interested in making changes.

  4. what is your purposal to remedy for your preceived problem.

    there are issues that can be subject to compromise and there are those that do not leave room for compromise.

    people are good at pointing out what they feel are problems but seldom present solutions.

    from what i view on their voting records, McCain is the only one who has actually compromised and tried to find solutions even when he drew his parties rath for doing so.

    i agree that our congress has failed us and both sides are more interested in power than what is good for us.  that is one reason why we are in the position we currently find ourselves dispite warnings for decades of the pending oil crisis.  the answer is not in additional taxes, but utillizing our proven resources. IMO.

  5. If you believe that Obama's viewpoint is going to do this country some good, you should take the time to look into the history and study communism.

    What do you think we went to war against North Korea and Vietnam for so we could elect one of them into our own government?

    Just remember:  it was Obama's supporters who claim that he would unite this country.  I have yet to see one of them willing to hold their breath until it happens either.


    "you cannot understand a government system by only looking at it from one side."

    Really?  You should go and tell that to the people who had to escaped from behind the Iron Curtain years ago.  Let us if they would agree with you?  I doubt you would be open minded enough to take me up on that.

    Next time you are in Langley, Virginia, go to the CIA building there and ask them about a place that shows pictures and tell stories of people trying to escaped communist countries.  Then let us see who doesn't understand what.

    You are proof of a typical liberal.  Anyone who proves something or say something against liberalism, your first comment always is, it's propaganda.  Because you don't want to have to deal with it.

  6. You are smack in the middle I would say. I understood going after Osama in Afghanistan as that is truly when our brave troops should have been. I never believed we belonged in Iraq however. The day the President said,"Hey man he tried to kill my Dad," I just knew it was wrong and it turns out I was right. Both sides of the aisle act like poster children for bad behavior and you are right, it is tearing the fabric of this great country apart. As I see it now this country is in terrible shape. People losing their homes, gas prices totally out of line, and the worst of it is families having problems with the high cost of food. I can't  ever address what a failure our school systems have become.

    Well the way I look at it I'm upset with the blue,

    mad as all get out with the red but as an American will vote which party I believe will really put this country back together. I know that at the core of our country we are great people who are capable of great things and I truly believe that we will rise again like the Phoenix from the ashes. I believe!

  7. It doesn't help when the extreme factions of both sides can't merely agree to disagree with each other, but have to ascribe evil motivations to each other.  It's the unadulterated hatred that boggles me.

    I'm a libertarian married to a bleeding-heart liberal.  Talk about your clash of philosophies!!  But, you know what?  My wife's not evil for believing as she does, she's just wrong. ;)

    But, hey, just to throw a partisan jab, isn't a bit obvious that the far left has a lot more trouble tolerating opinions that are different from their own?  Most of the vitriolic hatred out there comes from the left...though perhaps that's more a function that we still have Shrub as president.  There were plenty of vitriolic conservatives out there when Bill Clinton was president.

  8. Why don't you smoke a fattie and chill out...?

  9. Sorry.  You obv iously never read "The Federalist Papers," the defense of the constitution.  This federal government was designed to pit the factions against each other, to clash, to fight, to bicker, even to punch, stab, and shoot each other.

    It seems to be working just fine, thank you very much.  And somehow out of all this is supposed to arise "the public good"

  10. What do you mean by "you people"?

    It's called diversity and you crackers need to deal wit it!

  11. When Liberals stop trying to turn America into a decedent, immoral cesspool of socialism I'll be nice to them.

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