
You are the guy....whats going on in that mind of yours!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so picture yourself as the guy in question,

You stare at her all the time across the room, stare at her when she gets off her seat, leaves a room. Yet when she is talking to you, you start to avoid eye contact with her, looking to the left and down? You're intelligent, yet what society would not deem as- (not myself because I think he is) attractive. She's attractive, yet intelligence is definately not her forte; but she tries, just always makes a fool of herself sounding stupid when she does try.

Are you staring at me because you think I am stupid, and when I talk to you avoid eye contact because you are not attracted,

Its all very confusing, male perspectives please? (girls you can answer too if you like)




  1. physicial attraction

  2. He is not staring because you are stupid.  He is staring because there is an interest he has in you.  He imagines himself being able to talk with her.  He is shy and not exactly sure what to say.. that is why he looks away.  

    Define intelligence?  According to him she doesn't have to be intelligent, just smart enough to have a conversation and able to communicate on the same level.  

    If I was the guy in question

  3. No doubt about it, he is into you, bigtime.

  4. He's thinking of beating your p***y up and down the block...unless he's a total ******.

    Guys think with their d**k

    Girls think with their heart

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