
You beat up my country ( USA ) last week - no problem.. So, who is 1st to show up when disaster strikes?

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Ireland gets hit with a deadly typhoon?

Who shows up first with food aide, medicine, cots and portable shelter? Don't even say England!

You know who.....




  1. well it's impossible for ireland to get typhoons as we're not located in the northwestern pacific ocean but i see where you're going

    well it would be england who would first show up with aid

    because it is less than an hour by air meaning a lot of aid flights would be able to get in whereas america is 8 hours at least by air

    second would probably be France as their northwestern tip is about 1 and a half hours away by air again meaning many aid flights would be able to be undertaken in a short space of time

    then probably be Germany,Spain,Portugal

    America would be somewhere near last,sure look how long it took them to help the people in New Orleans in their own country,never mind another country across a vast ocean!

    and what do you mean by "You beat up my country ( USA ) last week - no problem.. "

  2. Probably Italy... everything not to think about their own problems. The USA rarely show up in emergencies unless they have interests to protect. And by the way, Ireland is not a typhoon/hurricane or earthquake area, so unless you blow us up in an atomic bomb test, we're safe.

  3. thank you America, but I think if a deadly tropical typhoon were to hit Dublin, we would do the same as myanmar and not accept American aid.

    why? too many strings attached. the USA always seem to want something in return!!!

    edit: pmsl at martina, I would not be surprised if they did!

  4. Well Ireland would never get a typhoon as it's too far from the equator and too cold, so that puts that out. Have you ever heard of anywhere in europe being struck by a hurricane/cyclone? No.

    Yes the USA gives a lot to this kind of thing, but on a per person basis it's not as generous as you may think.......

    There are smaller countries that altho they may give less in total, they give more than the USA per capita.

  5. Well, I always have to be the spoiler - but then again, I'm a meteorologist and that's my job.

    By far the largest percentage of tropical systems which hit Europe (including Iceland) have become extra-tropical, e.g., they have lost some of their tropical characteristics (such as a warm core center) but very often not that much of their strength, and certainly not their circulation -- so it's entirely possible for Ireland, England, the Netherlands, France -- and Iceland and Greenland, for that matter -- to be hit with a 110 or 120 mph storm.  

    Southern France, Portugal and Spain have been hit by warm-core tropical systems which have retained their tropical characteristics, though it is *extremely* rare for this to occur.

    Were Great Britain/Ireland to be  U.S. state (I'm *not* saying this is going to happen!), they would rank seventh among the U.S. states in terms of the number of tornadoes they receive a year, behind Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Mississippi, Indiana and Iowa; and second in the number of tornadoes they receive per 10^3/mi^2, behind Oklahoma.

    Other countries which would rate in the top ten states (were they actually U.S. states) would be the Netherlands, Germany, and Bangladesh.  Bangladesh expects some *horrific* tornadoes each year.  

    As far as who would show up first -- well, considering that Bush waited nearly a week to do anything about New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina in 2005; and four days after the Greensburg, KS EF-5 tornado; and never did issue a disaster declaration for Austin, TX after it was struck by seven tornadoes and 13.5" rain on November 15, 2001 (but Bush *did* issue disaster declarations for all the counties surrounding Austin -- all of which, incidentally, voted for Bush in the 2000 election, with the exception of Austin/Travis County) -- if I were the Irish, I'd place my bets on assistance from Great Britain or the European Union, because YOU KNOW "gifts" from the U.S. usually come with some pretty long and pretty durable strings attached.

  6. you forgot to mention tooth brushes and tooth paste. You know the UK dont have any

  7. Ireland is as unlikely to get hit by a typhoon as finding the pope in a protestant stop talkin c**p......anyhow i think England would probably be one of the first to offer help if anything big did happen....

  8. Of course it would be England. Despite all the troubles and Eire being a different country, we'd be straight over to help thank you very much.

    We're like family - we may have our squabbles but if one goes down the rest will be right there to pick them back up again.

  9. Ireland and Britain statistically get more tornadoes than anywhere else in the world but they are too minor to do any real damage. Even if we were to have a major disaster it would be England to react first. The reason you say don't say England is because you know it's the correct answer. I will not worship America as this fantastic generous country because they are not. By comparisons of wealth America is one of the tightest countries around when it comes to foreign aid.

  10. The UK would first on the scene - they are our neighbours, they have a vested interest in our survival as we have in theirs.  The US is very rarely first to anything unless its to start a war & the only reason they're getting into Myanmar is because they're on manoeuvres in the area - any help that they offer will be as part of an extended exercise & the US is incapable of a charitable act, they always collect

    Remember Hurricane Katrina?

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