
You can't be a loner in band?

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It was the first day of school today, so we didn't have assigned seating, and I walked into the classroom and just didn't know where to sit. Everybody in that class is a grade older than me, and they all know each other really well, friendship groups and such have already been formed. I don't want to dread going to band everyday, but everyone already has the impression that I'm socially awkward and I don't know how to change that and not be such a loner. I'm just really worried because I'll see them a whole bunch outside of class time, like at football games and festivals and concerts and such. So I kind of do need to know people. :\ And I was in band with the same people last year, except there were people in my grade too and I talked to them. So if I wasn't able to make friends with those same people older than me last year, I don't know if there really is a chance for me to make friends with them now. Ideas?




  1. Sometimes the best thing to do is just to walk up to one of them and say something, chances are they'll keep talking. If that doesn't work, then don't worry, you'll get to know some of them more eventually, school just started.

  2. Your best bet is to step outside your comfort zone a bit and talk to people. Smile when you walk into band practice, say hello to a few people who seem to be receptive to you. Just pick a place to sit, say hi and ask the person next to the seat if they mind if you sit there. I thought there would be assigned seats based on the instrument you play (i.e. brass, woodwind, percussion, string...) It also does not hurt to pay a compliment to someone, such as: I like your outfit or hair style. If that does not work for you, you could also try asking one of the older people to practice with you, or give you some pointers.

    There is no big trick to making friends, just smile, and chat with other people. A stranger is only a friend you have not met.

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