
You can't even say "/nee-gro/" now, eh? Has Yahoo become Big Brother?

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A question was just deleted for using "/nee-gro/". I recall my US history books, some written in the 1980's, using "/nee-gro/". Since when did it become offensive? All it means is "black" in Spanish. Why is Y!A engaging in this needless censorship? Why do the libs who run Libhoo pretend to support Free Speech when they are actively engaging in the destruction of the language?




  1. I wrote one mentioning a book  by Joel Augustus Rogers that contained the word and they placed***** instead!

    Try this: engro or a variation of spelling.  Watch what Spell Check does...See Webster's Dictinary, "a member of an African Race, with Black skin and tightly Curling hair" ...What's offensive about That? There is nothing obtuse about it as historical  and scientific fact.  What Do You think the NAACP Stands For?

  2. extreme liberals like yahoo answer is as bad as the KKK is on the extreme right kid... they just don't know it!

    sensorship under a different disguise!

  3. Why do you feel the need to say such words? You probably think it's ok for you to say the other "N" word too. There is a history of oppression behind those words and they should be layed to rest.

  4. I totally agree regarding this selective misuse of the Emglish language.  I refer to myself as "Caucasian" and people of apparent African anncestory as "N'egro".  Political correctness is a sign of moral weakness!!

  5. Just shows that you live a country that is full of " S " ....  You have the freedom to speak, but then you are censored.   USA is a country based on BS

  6. [Why do you feel the need to say such words?]

    The word in question has been used non-offensively for quite a long time now.

    [ You probably think it's ok for you to say the other "N" word too.]

    If he does, he certainly did not say anything about it.

    [What Do You think the NAACP Stands For?]

    I had a friend who said that it means "N-groes Are Actually Colored Pollacks" - HIS words, not mine!

  7. I'd guess that the banning of certain words is to try to get the discussions to be a little more substantive and less ignorant, but you both seem to have worked around that.

  8. I think that's stupid I'm black I don't find it offensive

  9. I can understand terms like "ne-gro" and "colored" having negative connotations to the past regarding slavery and pre 1960's Jim Crow America. Therefore, I don't use them. However, Yahoo censors the term "Ne-groid" as well. This is an anthropological term used to describe a race just like Caucasoid, Mongoloid, etc. Used in that context, I don't see why "Ne-groid" should be censored.

  10. Nobody answered the question yet.The reason it is pushed so hard here and in the schools is to condition people to think a given way.It [the pc agenda]was designed by marxists to foment racial agitation in Western Society.To specifically target blacks to hate whites and whites to feel guilty forevermore.To view all past wrongs against all minorities as a class struggle.To rewrite history.That filtered into the mainstream,and now people lose jobs for saying anything critical of minorities.It is to play a role in the near future as the fascists implement their NWO.

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