
You can always judge a person's character based on how they treat animals. True or false?

by Guest44775  |  earlier

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Depending on if they are kind to animals or not.




  1. I think that it really depends on the person.  I would think that usually I do not like the person and think that they tend to have a mean personality but some people can always be different

  2. false, some people care for animals but hate people,it depends on who your judging for...(animals or people)

  3. False. Queen Elizabeth II is a dog-loving btch.

    (no pun intended ^^)

  4. Well, research shows that if a child is cruel to or tortures animals he/she is in deep psyche trouble.  And there are all kinds of therapeutic programs of caring for animals for deeply troubled kids.  I would never trust someone who abuses animals.  If they will an animal they will anyone they deem vulnerable.

  5. For me true.  If someone is neglectful or cruel to animals it is a reflection of their character, especially their ability to show compassion.  And it is a known fact that people who mistreat animals are more likely to be violent to people.

  6. false.....

    because some cruel people love their pets...sometimes even more than they love people

  7. It depends

  8. For the most part, I would agree with that statement. If people have no regard for life that's not human, then that says volumes about how they think.

  9. i think true.

  10. I'm gonna say false, because while I think how someone treats animals can be a good way to judge their character, it isn't always reliable because many people are not comfertable around animals and don't know how to treat them.

  11. I think true. An example is if a child/teenager is mean to animals or kills wild animals just for the heck of it, it's an early sign he will grow up to become a serial killer or soemthing along those lines. I think if you can't be kind to an animal, there has to be a lot wrong with your character.

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