
You can have one of the following 2 powers. Being invisible or being able to fly. Which one?

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You can have one of the following 2 powers. Being invisible or being able to fly. Which one?




  1. Invisible. The things I could do.. Naked ladies.. Rob banks... Mess with random people. Possabilitys. I can already fly... Just costs me a few hundred bucks. You cant abuse the power to fly can you?

    No abuse = No fun

  2. Definitely being invisible. Think about it man. If you can be invisible, you can just walk up to an old girlfriend or someone you like and check to see if they talk about you. Or you can get the latest news on something the non-invisible person is not supposed to know. Being able to fly is cool also, but still, its not that much having people look up for a minute, think they see weird shaped bird then continue their day.  

  3. I wanna be invisible!!

  4. Invisibility FTW!

  5. I would want to be able to fly. I could fly where ever I wanted to go. :D

  6. Flying would be the best for me... being invisible works like wonders if you're somekind of perv.

  7. Why not have the best of both?

    Simply means that if you chose the ability of flying your already invisible aren't you?


  8. really?

    i have to choose one of those cliche powers?

    *sigh* fine ill choose flight

  9. i want to fly it would be fantastic

  10. This is hard... I like them both...

    I guess if I had to pick...

    I'd pick...

    The ability to fly

    Because it's always been my dream to fly in the sky, in a way, you can be invisible as well since if you fly high enough, no one can see you.

  11. I would totally want to fly. IT WOULD BE AWESOME!

  12. d**n... hard choice... i'd have to go with invisible

    i'm a nosy person and i'd be able to snoop much easier.. plus it would be fun to scare shitt out of people =]

  13. I'd definitely go with invisible

    i'd prefer to not be seen during everyday activities

    plus you could freak people out when there is no one driving your car down the road

    flying would be wicked, the rush from that would prolly be insane (depending on how fast you could go)

    imaging watching people trying to fly drunk

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