
You can help prevent Global Warming?

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Any suggestions and ideas we can put to use would be appreciated. This is just a message board to get ideas out there to figure out what you as an individual can do to help with finding a solution to global warming in the long run.




  1. There is no such thing as global warming; it is one of the many lies that liberals believe to be true. Another one is that g**s have the RIGHT to marry. Give me a break!

  2. 1. Support clean,renewable energy.

    2. Replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs.

    3. Saving energy at home is good for the environment and for your wallet.

    4. Become a smart water consumer.

    5. Buy energy - efficient electronics and appliances.

    6. Plant a tree,protect a forest.

    7. Reduce! Reuse! Recycle!

    8. Mount a local campaign against global warming.

  3. In order of importance with the biggest impact,

    1). Stop and/or REDUCE HUMAN BREEDING! Support political, financial and social changes that reduce the human population.

    2). Stop using fossil fuels and products derived from fossil fuels.

    3). Grow more plants especially trees.

  4. 1. Turn off your TV

    2. RECYCLE

    3. Stop using your car so much

    4. Use florescent light bulbs

    5. Take shorter showers

    6. NO SMOKING!!!

    7. Use solar power!

    These are just a few ways to help!  Start ASAP!!!

  5. If you want to stop breathing inorder to cut down on carbon emissons that will work.

  6. I can help reduce the growth rate, but since 50% of global emissions come from developing nations, no one in developed nations can stop it.

    Wake me up when developing nations are ready to join in a solution.

  7. stop using fossil fuels

  8. global warming is a joke

  9. 10. Ask the public if they want the concept of “room temperature” to necessitate mandatory string bikinis – for all.

    9. You enlist Morgan Freeman to miraculously empower Emperor Penguins to stage a military coup of Antarctica.

    8. Reduce methane production by attempting to shame cattle about certain impolite emissions.

    7. You lock the kings of oil and several polar bears in a room together and won’t let them out until some earth-positive decisions are made.

    6. You reveal a mysterious study proving ice cold showers work better than Botox, thus motivating the city of Los Angeles to turn down its water heaters.

    5. You reduce your phantom electricity use by staging an exorcism involving energy-efficient light bulbs and one mightily-annoyed chicken.

    4. You motivate real estate magnates to take action by buying up all the future oceanfront property in Iowa.

    3. Promise people that you will send all celebutantes straight to the center of the sun if they turn down their thermostats just one degree.

    2. Ask people if they really want a world without snow. (Do not do so near or south of the equator.)

    1. Point out that Canada will become a land super power. And can we really take that risk?

  10. Save energy, turn off your computer.

  11. Global Warming is inevitable it has happened over and over again  in the course of the earth. when we were created we were created during a "warm period" of the earth about every 10,000 years the earth goes into an ice age. With our technology and facteries we are speeding up global warming we are not however making it happen if we just stop poluting than all we are doing is prolonging it

  12. Okay, but how do we put out the sun?  Maybe get the moon in front for a perpetual solar eclipse, and move it farther away from the Earth so the shadow is larger and covers Earth.  Otherwise, I may just have to enjoy the one or two 85 degree plus, SUMMER days we got last week.

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