
You can save like $40!!?

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Are you aware if you unplug all of your electrical appliances when your not using them.. (TV,s Radio etc, computers)

You can save like $40 of Ghost Energy Loss??

Most appliances use energy even when your not using them... hence the ghost energy




  1. Yes this is true just the power strip without anything plugged into it, when it is on, cost you 25 dollars a year to run.

    When we lived in an apt. we had a 30 gallon electric hot water heater. We just keep the main breaker off until we were ready for the hot water to take a shower (less than a half hour). The dishwasher heats the water anyway so why pay to store hot water. After we started doing that we saw our electric bill go down.

  2. thanks for the tip

  3.'s interesting what all the "simple" actions can do....imagine if everyone did this! There is power even in the smallest action, especially when it is done with intention.

  4. Good thing you brought this up.  Alot of people dont know about this and if they did just imagine the energy savings and money savings that would really add up just by simply unplugging unused appliances.

  5. These phantom loads are a big drain on your wallet.  To check for them, try this meter.

  6. Thanks for the tip! Our energy bill just keeps climbing and climbing. I've been looking for ways to conserve energy.

  7. serious? Thanks Im going to try it.

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