
You cant be a pilot if your wear glasses or contacts? is this true? like any kind of pilot?

by  |  earlier

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like flying a plane

you cant fly like a comcerial airplane.- passager plane

is this true?

i heard you cant even if you wear contacts or did laser eye




  1. This is what I've heard too.

  2. You can  providing your vision is correctable to 20/20 with glasses

  3. I've been flying airplanes for a living for 30+ years. I've been wearing glasses (now bifocals) for over 40 years. It's not a problem. Whoever's been telling you that you need perfect 20/20 vision is full of rubbish.

    I've known fighter pilots (older ones, mind you) who've worn glasses. They had 20/20 uncorrected vision going into the program, but after a few years when they got older and weaker eyed, they needed glasses. With all that training and experience under their belt already, the Air Force wasn't going to get rid of 'em. the 20/20 uncorrected is for initial acceptance into pilot training. (military, that is)

  4. you can fly personal planes with glasses but the air force does require 20/20 uncorrected

  5. you just have to be correctable to 20/20. they dont care how its done, laser or contacts or glasses.

  6. I believe it depends on what type of pilot you want to be. an aviator in the military that flies fighter jets must have uncorrected 20/20 vision.

    A commercial airline pilot can wear glasses/contacts.

  7. idk. look it up

    answer my question

  8. once your vision is 20/20 even with glasses you can fly i have a few friends that are pilots and two of them wear glasses

  9. Not true! I've been so suprised by how many people this lie is turning people away from flying! You just need 20/20 WITH OR WITHOUT corrective lenses (glasses, contacts, etc.)

  10. I believe you have to have 20/20 vision. So no, you cant wear glasses or contacts. They also ask if you have had laser eye surgery and you shouldnt lie

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