
You don't know me at all but would you risk your life to save mine?

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I am young (23) in very good health. Potentially a good future. Would you push me away from the front of a bus that was about to hit me even though you would almost certainly get killed or badly injured?




  1. NO  

  2. I would attempt to save you without risking my own life. That sounds greedy in ways but I love my life, and my friends, and all of my family and there is no way I would want my life to end this early. Maybe if I was like 80 Id risk mine for you.  

  3. I agree with some of the others, by the time I'd got out of the "DUH"/"c**p something bad is happening"  stage where I stand there looking like a blank zomby then you'd be road pancake.

    But in an imaginary world where I might be fast enough I probably wouldn't to be honest. I might yell out or something but apart from that it's your fault for walking out, I'm not ending my life for that. But it depends on the cause. If you were someone who was hanging onto the edge of a cliff then I might, as there is more pressure to save, death isn't really instant and it is my responsibility to at least try and help. Also if I was in a shop and a burgler came in with a gun, I might protect the shop keeper just because we are both inoccents and the shop keeper didn't do anything to deserve to die (like not looking down the road) but who knows, It's never happened to me so I have no idea what would really happen

  4. No I wouldn't. My knee-jerk reaction to most things is to stop and think about things for a minute before acting, by which time you'd be flat.

    And I'm not too strong so if I tried to push you out of the way of a bus we'd probably both end up dead, which would be pointless.

    And though I wouldn't class myself as any kind of important person, I think Darwinism suggests that in the survival of the fittest, that I have a priority ticket to staying alive ahead of somebody stupid enough to be in front of a bus.


  5. No way - drunks shouldn't be allowed near public roads, get some counselling !


  6. i don't think i could do the bus thing.

    But i would climb down a dangerous cliff to rescue you.

    Maybe even go into a burning building to retrieve you.

  7. No one knows how they would react until it actually happened, and some would be surprised at their reaction.

  8. No, I would not trade my life for yours. I would for many that I know but none that I don't.

  9. If I could do it without getting killed myself, yes.

    its just a quick reaction thing depending on the situation, it would be better to pull someone out the way than push, that way you do not get yourself killed in the process.

  10. eh no !!!!!!!!!!

  11. Probably not. I have my own future to think about.

  12. Why would anyone do that? Its survival of the fittest, not survival of the retarded who don't look before they cross the road :P

  13. No  I bloody wouldn't, look where you're walking!! I have a daughter that needs me as well as a husband who would miss me; there's no reason I would chose your life over mine in that situation.

    But I would do all I can to help.

  14. no i would not.  why would i trade my life for yours?  would you do that for me?

  15. I dont have very good reactions so you would be dead by the time I realised what was going on, but i would wish that I could have done something, if that makes a difference

  16. If you were a child yes as i feel everyone should have a good 20 years before ceasing to exist ,and if i did,nt have a wife and children i would probably try to save anyone younger than myself.    Oldish man.

  17. Realistically, if I saw the bus coming, I would probably react by yelling at you to move your butt.  Self preservation is high on my radar so I can tell you that I would not knowingly put my life in a situation to help a stranger that would cause me death or injury, but I would warn you of yours.  If you were my kid, different outcome....

  18. h**l only if you'll give me the kiss of life,  because life is precious is all.

  19. Saving or not saving is not in my hand. But one thing is true I will definitely go to save someone life. I just can't see dying someone before my eyes. I would do whatever little I can do. And question of why would I do this? Or knowing the person or not knowing the person doesn't arise here. It is something which comes from inside. One can’t really explain it.

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