
You dont have to go too far back in history to answer this one: Y R the zionists h**l bent on attacking Iran?

by Guest32478  |  earlier

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  1. uf fake myths make dumb fools think its holy somehow to follow the "chosen" LOL...sure so God gave me NYC 2000 years ago...I want it...really ask why? its all about the $$$$$$$$$$$$ and oil my friend..

  2. Don't know but we should be worried,

    If it goes looks like it will go beyond posturing and rhetoric then the world has to stand up and say NO.We have had enough unfinished wars,enough young men coming home in body bags and enough news footage of displaced ppl pleading for water ,food and medication .


  3. I dislike Zionism as much as anyone but I have to admit Israel has never attacked other countries, only ever defended itself, and I don't see why it would particularly want to spark off WW3.

    Let us thank God that Bush is on his way out - if he'd been in power for just one more year he would certainly have invaded purely to get his paws on Iran's oil, since the US situation on that front is desperate. And let's pray hard that McCain or Obama aren't similarly deluded.

  4. If the Shia mad men that govern Iran hadn't come to office on the back of wanting to destroy Israel, there wouldn't be an issue right now..

    It has nothing to do with OIL..

  5. I agree with Peter B.

    Israel is threatened by the Iranian pledge to drive them into the sea. The Iranian leader cannot say hello without some hideous threat against Israel. Now that Iran has demonstrated some level of missile delivery capacity, Israel is further threatened by being under an Iranian gun.

    I'm not at all sure of your premise that Israel is "...h**l bent..." on attacking Iran. They (the Israelis) are acutely aware of the potential conflagration which may result from any preemptive action on their part. What I am sure of is that they would dearly love to see some shift in the status quo which would result in some breathing room for them.

    When you have a certified nutso as president of an adverserial nation aiming his rockets at you and telling the world that he wants to be the  means of your elimination, it's difficult to focus on your knitting.

  6. The premise of your question and the supplied link are both ludicrous.

  7. You got one thing right! Zionists, not Jews, not Israelis (well, not all of them). I have never understood why a country, formed as the result of an appalling genocide, could display so little understanding towards their brothers. After all Hebrews and Arabs are both Semitic.

    Why is it OK for Israel, the USA, UK etc. to have nuclear weapons, but not for countries such as North Korea, Iran?

    Which countries have the right to say, 'We have nuclear weapons, we know why we have them and how to deal with them, but the rest of you shouldn't have them. In fact, if you have them, we're going to, at the very least, introduce economic sanctions against you and if that doesn't work, we'll nuke you'?

    I put it to you that radio-active oil is of no use to anyone.

  8. It's a matter of survival for Israel.   As soon as Iran developes nukes, they will secretly pass one of their nukes on to a terrorist organization which will then use that nuke to nuke Israel.   That is how terror supporting states like Iran operate.   Iran's avowed purpose is the destruction of Israel.

  9. One must be a complete idiot not to understand that all these killings is about oil=wealth=power=ruling the world, in fact the funny thing is that they even kill their own people to make it so real that some silly souls think that the US and Israel fear the middle East attack! Actually it's good to know (what is already known normally) that most Arab countries are being ruled by puppets manipulated by the US govt.

    Wake up Zionist! your own govt. consider you as "good for dead meat".

    How do they say... "sacrify a few thousand, saving millions" Well be informed that the so said "millions" does not refer to you people of the US or Israel, but to the bucks!

    opps, sorry i forgot to ask... could you pls remove the wax that's in your ears and the S*** that's in your eyes.

  10. The only way to resolve the current volatile situation with Iran is by providing financial and political backing to moderate Iranians, in order to drive out the extremists from power. The US government has directly or covertly arranged the removal of over seventy foreign leaders since the end of WW2, so it's not as if they don't have the practice to organise this. Since the Bush admin. wants control of the Iranian oilfields, then this method doesn't suit their purpose-they need an excuse to invade or attack, and Islamic extremism provides that excuse. Bear in mind that in the early 50's the USA & Britain jointly organized  Operation Ajax, a covert operation to remove democratically elected Iranian leader Mohammed Mossadegh, after he nationalized Iran's oil. Not unreasonably he took the view that Iran should get the profits rather than US and British companies. Also, the chemical weapons used by Saddam Hussein (yes, the same Saddam Hussein helped into power by the CIA) in the Iran-Iraq War were supplied by Britain and the US-the selfsame weapons that were later used as an excuse to attack Iraq when the purpose suited the US government. And before anyone voices their disbelief, the facts are on record at the Library Of Congress if you're prepared to dig deep enough; the chemical compounds were developed and shipped by the British government chemical research facility at Porton Down in Wiltshire, and the machine tools & launching mechanisms were made & shipped by ATCC, a private defence contractor in Maryland. Both of these products require a government licence to be shipped, and both received it. So it's little wonder that the Iranians look at the west with some suspicion when Bush & co say it's not about the oil.


    If you think it's about oil, you are daft.

    Look beneath the surface!

  12. Zionists are nuts they should see a psychiatrist

  13. Israel occupies about 1% of the middle east, it is a socially liberal, parliamentary democracy, surrounded by violent, bigoted corrupt military, fascist or religiously extereme dictatorships, most of whom would love to see them wiped out.

    Iran has pledged to wipe Israel out, if the obtain nuclear weapons, this could well be a i wouldnt be surprised if Israel dont attack their facilities before the West does.

    They did this before, to the Osirak reactor in Iraq in 1980....however, they DID NOT follow this up with an invasion or a grab for Iraqs oil, i think this disproves your argument.

    Most of Israel's military actions are defensive, not offensive.

    I myself are from Iraq, but i am an Assyrian ethnically, and a Christian by religion.

    As such, i can understand the situation of the Jews, like us, they are an INDIGENOUS people, whose lands were taken over by Arabs. They were lucky enough to get it back, the Arabs and muslims generally loathe them for this.

    Unless you are from a minority in the middle east, you have no idea what it is like to live under Arab/Muslim rule, forever persecuted, victimised, murdered is happening to the Assyrians to this day.

    The ONLY way to survive in this area is to retain your autonomy and defend it.

    PS The Jews ARE the "Palestinians"!!!!.....the Romans revived the term Philistinia.....when they did there were NO ARABS living in the area......those peole we call Palestinians today are not members of some specific ethnic, cultural, linguistic group, they are ARABS, part of the invading mass that stole the middle east from its indiginous, native peoples, and loathes and persecutes them to this day!


  14. When someone threatens to wipe you off the map it does tend to make you a little defensive. Also Israel have never attacked any country, they have only ever retaliated. I have no love of Zionism but lets be honest here.

  15. Yes they may want to attack Iran but how.There are only 3 ways, by land sea or air and all 3 can be easily counted out. By air or sea Israel simply do not have the capabilities of doing this. By land it would mean them crossing through Syria and Iraq or through Jordon and Saudi Arabia, apart from the huge distance involved it would never be allowed by these countries or the UN. Yes they can bomb Iran but capture oil fields, never

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