
You ever been to a party and seen certain people there who are there to cause trouble?

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some that talk politics?

some who talk about how much they have had to drink?

someone who tries to bring attention to themselves?

someone who tries to be funny but isn't?

someone who hits on you but you re not interested and they follow you around?

someone who eats all the food?

someone who criticizes everything about the party?

someone who brags and then is made to look stupid?

someone who pulls you to the side to have a heart to heart talk?

someone who you wish wasnt invited and then tries to talk to you?

Which one do you hate the most and least?




  1. some that talk politics?  Yes

    some who talk about how much they have had to drink?  Yes

    someone who tries to bring attention to themselves?  Yes

    someone who tries to be funny but isn't?  No, I usually have enough to drink that they are genuinely funny to me.

    someone who hits on you but you re not interested and they follow you around?  I wish.

    someone who eats all the food?  If one person can eat all the food, there was not enough food to begin with.

    someone who criticizes everything about the party?  No

    someone who brags and then is made to look stupid?  No, most people who brag make themselves look stupid and don't need anyone else to do it for them.

    someone who pulls you to the side to have a heart to heart talk?  I love that.

    someone who you wish wasnt invited and then tries to talk to you?  They're free to try, but I don't have to comply.

    Which one do you hate the most and least?  I don't hate any of them.  If you feel anything more than mild annoyance for any of these people, your problem is that you are making too big a deal out of something that's not very important.  If you don't like someone, get away from that person, and spend time with a person or with people who you do like.

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