
You ever had a car fall while you where working on it?

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  1. yes i was working on a old car i had got from a old friend  was under it pulling on a wrench when all of a sudden it fell off the blocks we had it on and it kill me deader than a door nail i never will for get it

  2. yes, once. i didnt get hurt, but from then on, i make sure its secure before i start any work on it.

  3. yes . i got p  ssed  off and redid it

  4. Long ago I was working on a 64 malibu. I think I was changing starter. I had it up in the air on a bumper jack. All the tires were on it. It fell on my chest and I pressed up as hard as I could on the tire and yelled. My neighbor came running and grabbed me by the foot and pulled me out.

    I have never got under a car since then with out good jack stands.

  5. Yes.  I was very nearly crushed to death.  100% my fault - I didn't have the vehicle properly supported with jackstands, just the vehicle jack and was working underneath it.

  6. the worst ive done is forget to put on a tire  and lower lift the car was on      i have heard of situations when safety was not top priorty  it didnt end well

  7. My father and I were trying to raise a car up on blocks.  It fell many times before it was balance just right.

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