
You ever notice that the people who work the door as receipt checkers at places like Wal-Mart seem to ...?

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let certain-looking customers pass by no problem, while more carefully inspecting the carts of other types of customers (say, immigrants, minorities, trashy looking people, etc.)?




  1. no

  2. yes in our walmart if you have no teeth you are a door greeter

    and the old ladies and slow workers are in the deli section,,

  3. No, but I have noticed that the 2 Walmarts near me are posting more than just the door greeter at each door lately. Every time I've been into either store in the last few months, they've had at least 2 and sometimes 4 employees watching the customers come and go. That tells me more about the shoppers than it does about Walmart.

    While I'm not real fond of Walmart or the way they treat their employees and run other businesses out of town, I can't say that I blame them for trying to stop theft any way they can. That benefits me as well as Walmart, so I won't complain if they want to check my bags and receipts.

  4. I never noticed this honestly. I thought they only checked your receipt if the detetctors beeped on your way out *shrug* I've never been checked aside from one of those beeped on my out because I had a movie or something that they forgot to run over the thing that makes it not beep.

  5. are you the one that they stop.  i was a customer service manager and in security at walmart for five years and my husband was in security not one time did i ever have any complaints from anyone who was stopped.  it is a policy that if the door greeters do not see you check out or see a receipt in your hand they are to check it before leaving.

  6. Most of them by me are "immigrants, minorities, trashy looking people, etc.)?". And at minimum wage look at everyone but really don't seem to care much about whats gong out the door. They do perk up and scrutinize big ticket items like TVs, sound systems etc. They get a little reward stopping shop lifters with these items.

  7. Yes I have noticed that!

    You know those people are there not to protect the store from you, but to protect it from their own people.  Checkers have been caught 'selling' stuff to their friends and ringing up something cheaper.  So if your receipt doesn't match what's in your bag, the person who sold it to you gets in trouble, not you.

    Also, according to the law, you don't have to let them check your bag.  It is a -consentual- search, meaning that you can just walk by and there's nothing they can do.  The exception to this rule is Costco or some store where you have to be a member to buy things.  In a store like that, you sign away your right to refuse a search when you join the store.

  8. Not where I live.They check all when it's in effect.There was actually three semi-trailer truck loads missing at inventory time here.That causes prices to go up for all of us.My big pet peeve is when I find perishable foods sitting on shelves melting that also costs us money.

  9. I have to disagree with you on this one. Maybe it is like that at the Wal-Marts in your area, but at the ones here, I've not seen that. I have seen them check carts of elderly people who look like perfectly respectable and decent law-abiding citizens.  On the other hand, there are a lot of trashy looking people that shop there so I would imagine quite a few of those get checked, too.  Some (not all) of the people who work there fit into that category, too.

  10. yeh i ahve noticed that too,they will check certain people and let go certain people. strange hun!

  11. No I haven't noticed that. I've noticed they seem to be mostly old folks & they're generally pleasant to everyone.

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