
You ever think,"who cares if he's a jerk,as long as he can play"?

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There are many nice guys in baseball who can't play.




  1. I'm more of a believer in a team player. I'd like to have LA Manny rather than Boston Manny on my team, for instance.

  2. Not exactly in those words, but generally yes. I don't know these men, and it's not my responsibility to get them to act as a team -- that's why there's a field manager and coaches and whatnot. I just want to watch them play the game, and I'd rather the teams I follow have great players than mediocre ones, because it's easier to win with great ones.

    Play good baseball -- that's all I ask, and that's their job. All the rest is ancillary.

  3. dodger fans do... i personally think manny should have been suspended from the league for some of the stunts he's pulled. he's just proving that point

  4. Im sorry man. You see, this is the part of baseball that most people do not understand. Its not a game. Its a Business. Now, honestly. Picture yourself as a manager for a team with a high payroll. One of the stars on your team is a real jerk. But he is a really good hitter as well. What would you do?

    Sadly, it only takes one rotten fruit to mess them all up.

  5. yes to an extent. But as an avid sports fan I get tired of hearing about the same guys and there BS. Winning is everything

  6.     Oh sure! I dont mind. But then when you are a professional, there is a lot to be said about the correct attitude while at work. If we are provided guidelines on behavior at the workplace, then why should players be any different?

        Furthermore, there is money to be made on off the court activities like endorsements, adverts etc. Sponsors typically do not pick jerks as brand ambassadors.

       A good attitude always carries one far.

  7. Yup

    As a giants fan, How do you think I got throught he years Of Barry Bonds and Jeff Kent?

    Same with the 49ers, I had to deal with T.O.

  8. Sorry only T.O. and Chad Ocho Cinco can do that

  9. mmm... sometimes.. yes i agree i am a sports fan and its nice to have a player that does well. If a jerk is on my team and he's helping the team.. siigh i guess i would root for him

    Its hard to like jerks however and sometimes nice guys who don't do that well bring something else to the table.

    I like nice people okay ;)

  10. Normally, we won’t see some player as a jerk if the team is winning because no one really cares what he needs to say. (Unless he calls your name right in your face).

    We only see or say someone as a jerk when the team is losing or does not performing to his standard.

    So why care about if they are jerks or not?

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