
You ever use anything you learned in martial arts in real life?

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I studied judo in my teens and the instructor was big on jumping over things and learning how to fall. Sure enough, when I was 16, I was slammed by a car while on my bike. I flew at least 30 feet, landed on the pavement in a roll, and didn't get a scratch. Now THAT was pretty useful.

Ever use anything you learned in martial arts in reality?




  1. yes u it is use ful iam a martial artist my self n which ever way i fall iknw my reflexes vl make me roll safely.mre than dat ive used a few fancy kicks to scare off people in real fights althaugh ive never hit nydy in a real fyt.n ur stamina, strenght all go up.helping u in ur daily life.a sort of lyk kung fu or tai-chi vl kalm ur mynd takn stress away.

  2. Of course,

    One kid tried to fool around with me, I just did a tough collar grab and told him he would be sorry.

    He backed off.

  3. Why yes!

    I was on a scooter and got hit by a semi-truck going no less than 70 mph and I flew at least 200 yards through the air and when I hit the ground, I immediately went into a roll, where i rolled all the way down the street and onto some train tracks, and my shirt got stuck in the tracks.

    I used a judo chop to cut myself loose but it was too late, for the train smacked me head-on full speed and I flew through the air, but fear not, before the train hit me I jumped and went into a roll.

    I flew like a cannonball through a brick house and came out the other side where I smacked a tree and came down with a loud thud.

    Not a single scratch.

  4. My daughter (youngest) did when she was in second grade:

    *The administration team at her elementary school confirmed her story that she had been jumped by six wannabe gang members (yeah, even in elementary school ...):

    **She beat them all down in the space of about a minute.

    *She had been in Fudokan Karate for about three years, and sparring for about one year.

    *Sux being a gang member in Sacto. County, CA ...

    *My Baby, ...


  5. Finally i can answer this on the web! Ok heres MY experience. I have Studies Tae Kwon Do since i was a child, no more than 4 yrs old. I got out of it when i was 11 and joined Karate. I left Karate when i was 14. And ever since then no more....:( but many times a Harsh Training, The dicipline and the memories of the two styles help me. Once i was about to get mugged skateboarding around 9:00pm by 4 guys. They thought i was a ***** *** skaterboy.but they where wrong. both my training from Tae Kwon Do and Karate helped me. yes i Fuc*ed them up!

  6. I use the discipline and self respect, as well as respect for others that martial arts taught me every day in dealing with people and overcoming obsticles. I use the humility I learned to be able to put my own ego aside and listen when people are talking, which is a huge advantage in many situations.

    I have only had to use it for self defense once.

  7. I have not used what I learned in martial arts to fight anyone outside the dojo but I have used other stuff that I learned in real life.

    For example it has taught me humulity and respect so I don't offend anyone and get beaten up in an alley.

  8. no but i wouldnt mind someone trying to come at me or my friends or family...i would show them

  9. YES I HAVE! i fell of my scooter going down an incredibly steep and long hill... i rolled and did not get a scratch! also, as for flexibility, i use my feet for opening cabinets when my hands are full but that does not really count...

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