
You ever wonder how the earth stays on its axis?

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You ever wonder how the earth stays on its axis?




  1. gravity

  2. WOW thats such a coincidence cause i always thought about that even though my science teacher gave me a full explanation of how that thing works. I will always ponder my mind. Some things just dont make sense t o me

  3. not gravity,i dont agree wit spacemanspif. but the fact that there is no gravity in space. earth would spin on an axis with out the moon,it just wouldnt spin on the tilt (axis) that its on now. since theres no gravity in space, if you throw an object in space at 100 mph it will ALWAYS travel at the same speed UNLESS it interacts with another object, now the same holds true if you spin and object at 100 revolutions per minutes it will ALWAYS spin at the same speed UNLESS it interacts with another object.

  4. Not since I had to calculate the rotation momentum of Earth. It is really huge. Even large impacts will only cause a small disturbance.

  5. It doesn't.  As others said, there is precession.  Also, teh earthquake which caused the Indonesian tsunami shifted our axis by 1 inch.

  6. The axis is slowly changing by a motion called precession of the equinox. The tilt of 23.5 degree will change in 13000 years  and will be back in 26000 years.

  7. No, I'm quite clear on the concept. Ever have a toy gyroscope as a kid?

  8. the moon keeps the axis stable and the earth spins like it is a top

  9. In fact, it doesn’t stay on its present axis. The geographical north and south poles wander around over the millions of years. Even the magnetic poles move around.

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