
You fancy a lad but he is really shy and i dont know how to ask him if he likes me?

by  |  earlier

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  1. itss really easy just get to know him and stuff thenn ask himm if he sayss no just say you were jokingg x

  2. I was in the same sorta situation I really fancied this lad but I didn't know if he fancied me it's not like I was gonna ask him cos I was reaallyy shy and didn't wanna get show up. But then I thought what the h**l the worst thing that can happen is that he can say no but then ya can backtrack and say you were kidding. But to get enuf courage first I talked at him alot more and smiled at him and read his body language abit I'm no expert but sometimes you can tell. So I awaited my oppurtunity when I was confident enuf. But I wasn't just gonna go up to him and go will ya go out with me just like that. I waited 4 the oppurtune moment cos we all know lads act different around their frends. So I waited till jazz band he plays drums and I play guitar. After it finished I told my frenss not to w8 up for me cos they knew what I was gonna do so they left and I started small talk with hi
    To get him warmed up. Then I asked him a question I sed "my frends asked me to ask you that if I were to ask you out aid ya go out with me" he was abit thingy at first but then he sed yes and I was like OMG and he kissed me. We've been boyfrend and gurlfrend eversince. So I guess it answer is that get to know him get to be frends with him but don't stay in the frend zone to long cos it's really hard to get out of. Normally you'll have to make the first move cos boys and really good like that. Hope my "essay" helped ya. Hope u get it boy ;D

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